Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

I would def reach out to the college.

My kiddo got a B in his college Physics class last semester, after he had been admitted to his REA choice, and the adcom there was very chill about it.

But ymmv

Thanks a lot, my son just checked the portal and saw that he was rejected. Pretty sad. For some reason, he had the end of March date in his mind and was waiting for an email

Dont worry. I doubt REMS will revoke your admission. A “B” is not “D” or a fail.

I totally understand that you are quiet distracted with interviews and the excitement of BS/MD seat and admissions. I hope this “B” in chemistry will wake u up into working harder and to put your focus back on your studies…

If you are stressed out, you should talk to your chemistry teacher to find out if he/she offers assignments (papers, projects) for extra credit that improves your grade.

Good Luck!

I would worry about D or less not for B

I thought purpose of BSMD is to relax in UG, so no one should look at UG rank but only medical school ranks :slight_smile: Once you cross T20s, rank value goes down quickly.

Kind of unrelated to admissions, but does doing a course form MITOpenCourseware add any value to BS/MD applications?

Thank you everyone! I will definitely be committing to REMS i was just a bit worried because I didnt want everything to disappear all of a sudden. I really appreciate everyone’s help, thank you so much!


yeah usually Bs are fine but idk if its different for BS/MD or REMS?Seeing the responses seems like i should be fine though.

Those courses are mainly for personal intellectual endeavors. Med schools value hands on things like research and clinical activities.

Go for SLU medical scholars

Anyone know how USC is for pre-med?

ok, thank you! does virtual shadowing help (since i can’t go in-person)?

I do not know.
Suggest reaching out to - damn I forget his handle - he is at Union LIM program. Please search the thread - you will find his handle.

This year things have been delayed.
I would keep fingers crossed till April 15.

I did mainly in person shadowing pre-covid (around 200 hours). I’m sure virtual can help as well although in person is always best.

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I doubt it unless your acceptance letter had a condition for you to maintain an A in your final semester of school.
BTW - I have not seen such a condition in offer letters.

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Please reach out to @Undecided3494 ! He graduated from UNION.

thank you!

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Many colleges have given adhoc grants to students whose families have suffered due to COVID19.
This year they may look at EFC and decide to meet on the demonstrated need.
In some cases, they are also not meeting that.

IMO, it is not worth the cost. D had admission as NMF with half-tuition. Rutgers-NB Honors college is a better choice, IMO.

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