Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

I believe it’s a decent school for premed and lot of CA folks go there to avoid UCB and UCLA grind . They do offer good number of scholarships.


Ah thanks! I got an acceptance from USC (still waiting on FA) but if costs are comparatively low, is it an advisable school (good track record for pre-med acceptances).

I think so, but I don’t know for sure. One kid I know joined 8 years back on Trustee scholarship and got into UCSD medical with NO gap years. see if their premed office has any stats online.

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Thank you @Vicky2019 for good points and very open and honest advice.
Augusta UG is not a UG she would even apply to if it was not for BSMD path.
Augusta Med school is decent and their BSMD program is decent too. We know 2-3 kids who are currently enrolled in the program.
Two main points that D does not like are place (Augusta is very small rural town) and UG (its a very small isolated school with very mediocre student body). She is nervous about not getting UG experience she is looking for. She understands that close to home is a big advantage though.


She should be a top students with 4.0 GPA in the program. One can always find things that interest in a small campus and it can become like a home. Large, crowded campuses are no fun either with 300-500 students in your Bio/Gen Chemistry classes. The Cellular and Molecular Biology major is similar to most other universities with 5-6 upper level biology courses, two biochemistry courses. One can take similar classes in Biological Sciences more related to neuroscience like neurobiology, neuropharmacology, cognitive neuroscience as elective etc. These course are very challenging and can lead to research opportunities with the faculty at University and/or medical school. One just has to have an open mind and seek those opportunities anywhere.
Here is your D’s course schedule in her Cellular and Molecular Biology major.

I am assuming you are a junior. There was COVID during your 10th and 11th grades. It would have been dangerous to go shadowing/volunteering in any hospital. So, its totally fine if you do virtual shadowing/volunteering. Just make sure whatever activity you take up is meaningful.

If it’s 8 year program she can try for summer research programs at T20 schools and can try for service trips overseas. There are lot of possibilities outside of campus.

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Do you guys think it would be foolish to apply out of a BS MD program? I am able to through this program but if I really end up liking the school and med school is it worth it to apply out to a “higher ranked” med school because of match rates?

Thank you! And I’m a sophomore by the way :grinning:

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IMO, if you are prestige obsessed, you may. REMS is a good program. You may never be able to predict where will you match. Any one can match in any program.

It’s not foolish to apply out. May be you get “lucky” and end up with free tuition at one of 10+ schools that give merit and that list could reach 20+ in 3 years. All comes down to how much work you want to put in and whether you have stomach for another app cycle.

Is REMs binding? Cause if not there isn’t much of a downside to applying out.

Even if it’s binding, if you get 3.9 GPA and 520+ MCAT and strong ECs you can take a chance and apply out.

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Wouldn’t she be in BSMD cohort have similar stats and qualified for their BSMD program. That program would have taken students that are competitive already.

How do we find out if a program is binding? My kiddo didn’t remember it coming up in the info session and we can’t find any info about that on the GW website

Yes, it is a cohort of 20-22 students who pretty much take the same classes. But other than those 20-22 students, other student body is of UG 298 ranked level.

I know two people who got into medical school through SLU med scholars. I would have considered them very average students in high school. Hard work will definitely get you through.

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National or public university ranking?

National Ranking.

Yes, you would have to get a letter of recommendation from Union’s pre-med committee (it’s not called that but I can’t remember the actual name). I think the main reason they don’t want you applying out is because they are technically paying for the MBA in Healthcare Management (they don’t charge us for it) from Clarkson. I don’t think I have heard of anyone applying out, some students come in with the mindset of applying out but nobody ever follows through.