Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Let your D decide and choose what ever she wants.

TCNJ/Rutgers NJMS; stay away from Drexel when you have a choice.
Ortho/sports can be done from NJMS also.


IMO, TCNJ/NJMS is really good compared to others.

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how do i see something like this for rems? Upenn/duke/stanford is my dream residency

Look at REMS a match list and see the past matches for 5 years

NY 41 & CA 19 are all internal medicine?

SDN new dictionary

G y n g y n = bunnybunny
L e e = Lord of the Bunnies
G o r o = Easter Bunny
L i z z y M = BunnyM
A n y o n e = anybunny
P r e m e d = chick
I n t e r v i e w = Easter egg hunt
G P A = treats!
M C A T = flowers
L e t t e r = message in a bottle
A d m i s s i o n s = demons
A p p l i c a t i o n = Easter egg collection
A p p l i c a n t s = Peeps
W a i t l i s t = purgatory
M e d i c a l s c h o o l = Easter basket
P a n i c = hippity-hop
M e d s t u d e n t = egg
R e s i d e n t = bunny
A t t e n d i n g = rabbit
F i n a n c i a l a i d = jelly beans
M u l t i p l e = multiply like rabbits
U n d e r g r a d = bunny training
T h a n k y o u = Bless you
D a t a = foolishness

This is the only non-academic requirement from TCNJ. Don’t they ever need to go to hospital for shadowing or volunteer work in UG? If they do, are there any close by hospitals for TCNJ?
Participate in a biomedical research program no later than the summer prior to entering medical school. The research program is the only summer requirement but can be met by two semesters of on-campus research with a faculty member.

I cant find a match list with numbers to specific institutions - would neurosurgery clasify under neurology or surgery (im not interested in it just curious)

Not necessarily, but mostly will be primary care related. Not highly sought after surgical residencies, IMO.

Neurosurgery is a separate category by itself. Here is example from one institution.

Here is UoR match list from 2020.

There are a few matches at Duke and Penn Hospitals in the list.

2021 list may not be available on website.

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I was just generalizing the job market based on the type of residency. People can’t do surgeries with no medical knowledge.

Finally started with a youtube channel of mine
please do watch and subscribe🙏
Sincerely need your support :heart:


Nice channel!

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@SeekingAdvice123 U of R is not an elite medical school but it’s solid. I’m mainly familiar with internal medicine programs since that’s what I applied to and they have a solid match list. ~50% match into what I would consider T30 programs which is good; at mid-tier med schools it’s gnerally around 20-35% and at elite schools it’s >70%. If you’re above average at U of R med school, you’ll be able to match at a very good academic program but you’d have to be top student to match at UPenn/Stanford/Duke caliber programs

7 Matched to Ortho and some in top programs. I wonder how many of them are from BSMD program. They only take 10 per year right?

If a DO school has sent students to Yale / UPenn as well as Neurosurgery/Ortho for residencies, is it considered a solid choice to choose? Does your residency (or where you do it) ultimately matter more?

I got that and I don’t question skills of anyone who trained in US regardless of the program rank. Just pointing out different aspects of medicine.

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What is the channel about - Jubin Nautiyal ?