Thread for BSMD 2020-2021 Applicants (Part 2)

Which DO school is this?

Medical school admissions and tiger parents.

Rowan in NJ

Nice songs

Need advice:
Admitted to Drexel BS/MD. Only Bs/Md school I applied to. ( PA resident)

Undergrad schools applied and accepted to
Umich, Northeastern, Case-western, Boston University( guaranteed transfer 2022), RIT, Upitt, U Alabama, Temple.

Vanderbilt, UVa.

Would like to get some input on Drexel BS/MD. pros and cons of this specific program compared to other Bs/MD’s. Haven’t seem many comments about Drexel here.

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They (7) matched for Ortho Surgery at Yale, Vandy, UMich,UNC, UoR, U of Tornto, Temple Hospital

IMO, Drexel is expensive but if you can pay by cash (no loans), who are we to say anything.

If cost matters, list cost of each program.

@sleepyjoe Drexel’s BS/MD is fine for what it is, but understand that DUCOM is a lower-tier MD school. If you’re happy to to just practice medicine, it can get you to that goal no issues. If your goal is to become a big researcher at a reputable academic institution, you’ll have to work your way up.

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Drexel- 22k merit + Star scholar program where I get 3500$ for summer after Freshman for research.
Need to ask if they give anything for being NMF.

NEU- 35 merit (best merit aid)
Case western- 28k merit+ 2k NMF
RIT- 22.5K merit +2k NMF + 3k work study
Temple- Full tuition
Pitt- 10k merit( instate)
U Alabama- full ride+
Umich: None
Wake-forest: none
Vanderbilt: waitlist
UVA: waitlist
Cornell- waiting.

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It will still cost you 500k plus for Drexel BSMD with the scholarship. Can you pay by cash without taking any loans at least during UG ? Most folks try to minimize UG cost so they can take minimum amount of loans during MD. IMO, take Temple with full tuition scholarship, as a PA resident.

Personally, I did not even bother applying to Drexel BS/MD because of the astronomical cost. Drexel COA per year is around 70K without scholarship. With your merit scholarship, COA per year is around 50K, which is honestly not worth it. UG alone would have costed you about 200K for four years. I would much rather spend 200K for an ivy league over Drexel. Not to mention the med school cost at Drexel is gonna put your total expense over half a million.


I am still deciding if I want to commit to BS/ MD now or to keep my options open to go into research or something else. If Drexel is a good school for BS/Md I will consider it seriously.

My parents want me to go to Temple or Pitt because of the price of instate tuition, but I like NEU for coops.

D had Drexel BSMD a few years ago with similar scholarship offer. Did not join.

Where did she go?

See DM

Undergrad or BS/MD?
The only advantage I like is not going through this application process all over again after 4 years.

yes IM a residency at Duke/ Stanford / UPenn are equally competitive like speciality matches

May I ask if she is in the process of applying to med schools now? How are her prospects and any regrets for not choosing BS/MD back then?