Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019


Good to know you are thinking ahead.
I think we visited less than 5 colleges before our applications and not all were BS-MD program colleges.

In fact we did not visit NU before the interviews and my D was accepted there.

We went to all her interview colleges and took the tour and parent sessions wherever they were offered.

So, in my view, visits are not critical for admissions.

You can “demonstrate” interest by emailing them, asking them questions over phone and attending their general outreach sessions.

I would invest the time saved in college visits in volunteering activities.
These need not be healthcare based.
It provides a different perspective and helps in broadening of your DS’s horizon.

Re: Hofstra
Their residency matches are decent and they have the advantage of Northwell / LIJ system. About 1/3rd of the students match there.
We were impressed by the medical college and parent sessions.

We did not like the undergraduate program.

Does anyone know of some BS/MD Programs that still have available applications? (I know that most of them have a deadline in the fall).

@SnowDad @cy2019bsmd

I believe @rk2017 has posted interview tips which you should definitely read.

Penn/Jeff have “traditional” one-on-one interviews.

Here are some of my tips (which may overlap with what others may have already articulated):

  1. interviews means they want to know more about you so that they can give you admission.
    Interviews are focused towards acceptance and not rejection.
    The end result may be a rejection due to number constraints but the interview focus is towards acceptance.
    “Will this person be my future colleague?” Is something on the back of their mind.

  2. know your application- even if no questions are asked from there you should know what you have written. More often that not, you will be asked details which you have to substantiate.

  3. know yourself and why you want to do medicine … this is really the key.

  4. one-on-one interviews by nature are conversational- so have a conversion. Very few questions will be yes/no questions and hence you have the freedom to expand and “steer” the conversation towards your strengths.

  5. People can see thru fakery- so be yourself. Occasional “I do not know” is ok in the interviews.

  6. passion and confidence will take your far.
    Overconfidence will kill you.
    Arrogance is one-way ticket to rejection.

  7. Dress professionally. In my line of business work, I have seen people rejected for being dressed casually and unprofessionally.
    This means, unless you have religious reasons, guys should shave or have a very well groomed beard. Keep enough mints and drink enough water to avoid getting your mouths dry.

  8. Be there on time. Plan for delays and getting lost despite having a GPS. Ask for directions if lost.

  9. Many interviewers ask you - “Do you have any questions for me?” Prepare for this - you should have atleast 3 targeted questions for this. You can ask about their research program, ask the interviewer why he/she chose his/her specialty or what should one do over summer (depending on the conversation). Do NOT ask about will I get AP credits or will I get in.

  10. Seek blessings from your GOD, your parents, elders and well wishers. You want “the force to be with you” and on this earth, these folks are the force.

All the very best.


Stonybrook- Jan 15 deadline


NSU has dual BS/DO programs ( 7 or 8 yrs) with Feb. 1 deadline

Congratulations to all who got the interview invites


Grambling State U/Meharry Medical College- 6/1
Hofstra- 2/1

@brown2024 & All other future applicants:

As others already pointed out:
Visiting a college is not going to improve your odds of acceptance (UG or BS/MD)
You can demonstrate your interest email, especially the top 20 or 30.

It will be good to know if student have any preference or would like to avoid.

  1. Big Metro City vs College Town (UCLA vs Uof Michigan)
  2. Even in big cities, campus of its own or in the middle of everything (for ex: though Uof Chicago and Northwestern are in Chicago just 6 miles apart, the medical school in these 2 places are 2 different feel and vibe or UCSF vs Stanford)
  3. Big school vs small school (UCB vs Santa Clara University)
  4. Predominately full time vs commute school (San Jose State vs UCSC or Wayne State vs Uof Michigan)
  5. Religious vs non (Baylor, Pepperdine, SMU vs other schools)
  6. City vs Rural

You don’t have to visit the schools you plan to apply, rather visit the schools close by your home but have the above contrast focus. That will help them to get a feel and idea. It is not practical (and not needed) to visit schools and spend so much money and time (especially if you are on the west coast).

Thanks for the interview advice. It’s really appreciated! If anyone has a list of potential practice interview questions please share from experience. Additionally, has anyone received notice from the University of Rochester BS/MD?

We visited ZERO schools and did not contact any schools. I don’t think top private or public schools care. Lot of privates have ED/EA and that’s how you demonstrate your interest.

Based on the last couple years trend, Temple PPHS and UMKC invites might come out next week (Thu-Fri). Following week (01/21-01/27) we might hear from UoR, CWRU (likely on 01/26), and possible few HPME invites on a rolling basis.
Good luck!

One way to demonstrate interest is to request and attend Alumni interviews if offered.

^^ Not to mention that those also help for undergraduate admission itself.

Also, guys: The Florida Program is in-state only now apparently.
So now I believe all Florida programs are in-state.

@behappy101 I believe Hostra’s deadline has passed. Feb 1 is the deadline to submit supplemental information for those who have been forwarded.

@NoviceDad @GoldenRock and all others - thank you very much for you thoughtful responses - very helpful.

GOOD LUCK to all those interviewing tomorrow and beyond for this year.

Has AMC released (or sent out interviews} for dates in February for Union?

does anyone know specifically when Northwestern HPME interviews start rolling out? I know previously someone said this/next week but I was wondering if anyone knew exactly when.


Just called AMC (D applied through Union and submitted supplements on 12/18). Was told that they have only 5 people to process applications and may take some time.

There seems to be no set date/day when HPME invites are sent out. Last year, the first set of invites were mailed out around Jan 28. Note that, similar to AMC, HPME invitations are sent on a rolling basis.