Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

I intend to merge them all into one pdf.

@Cherax , thank you

Any BU interview notifications in January after holiday ?

PSU interview notifications are supposed to come out by 1/15 (tomorrow).

Thanks @bsmdseekerskg

@Cherax congrat! Good luck in your next step!

@bsmdseeker2019 i’m wondering the same thing. Do you think we should call and check? Not sure if that’s the right move since they apparently get off holiday the 21st?

Has anybody else applied to Brookyln/SUNY? If so, when do you think we might hear back?

Thank you!! Hoping for the best!! @Kitty1002

Penn state Jefferson SK medical school interviews are being held in Phila Wed.

just be yourself and smile

show you care

Good luck everyone with the ongoing/upcoming interviews at AMC, UAB, Penn, BU, and other places.

Question on change in second semester courses.

My D likes research so much and wants to continue her mentor-ship in second semester that could result in one more paper. It also means not doing two courses she originally intended to take (arts and org Chemistry).

Couple of questions.

  1. Do she need to inform all BS/MD colleges, even if we are not short listed for MD?
  2. Is it going to have any impact on admission prospects for BS/MD or selective UG programs?


@DSOF20192023 No.

OChem is not a pre-req for any BS/MD course. But make sure your school district requirements are met, especially Art.
In my D’s school district, Art is mandatory and she could not include in her 6 course schedule in all 4 years. So she did at a Community College to get her HS diploma.

@GoldenRock thanks. She already met req for HS Diploma.

Main question was how BS/MD or selective UG schools look at this change.

Don’t bother informing BS/MD programs at this late stage.
For traditional programs you may want to send emails or call them up for any further instructions. Not a big deal imo.


Is it a different semester?
If yes, no need to inform anyone.

You final transcript will reflect her course work.

While not a requirement, doing Orgo in high school helps in undergrad as it is one of the weed out courses.

Not heard anything from BU yet. Am getting nervous .

@DSOF20192023 Unless it is a dual credit course( i.e you get both high school and university credits ) in Orgo , it will not be counted in college. You may have to repeat the Orgo 1 in college. IMHO, it has no affect on any admission decisions (BS/MD or UG). DD had college credits (4.0 with official transcript ) earned from Stanford during High School Summer College sessions.

@rk2017 @NoviceDad thanks.

Yes, it is second semester. First semester transcript shows grades as well as plan for second semester.