Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@mk1901, congrats! When did you have interview with TCNJ? Thanks!

Good luck. NW BSMD interviews are not a very fair process. Dr. Greene has a chip on her shoulder and having not published much in medical journals actively discriminates against students she categorizes as STEM research scholars, especially published scholars. Based on other experiences I would seriously doubt the quality of education at that institution.

D got an email stating that the Hofstra would reach out to students in the middle of February.

Is anyone going to the SLU presidential scholarship event?

@“Direct MD Hopeful” DD got into 7 yr guaranteed Direct MD Drexel program two years ago but decided to attend Temple BSMD ( Higher Research Ranking than Drexel ) with full tuition scholarship. Drexel does not provide full tuition scholarship for UG. She is doing very well and very happy at Temple.

I’m sure this has been answered earlier but I simply do not know where to look for it. Does anyone know how a final decision is made on selecting applicants after the interview? Do they look at only the interview when making the final decision or do they review the entire application again? (Ik this varies by school but does anyone know how it works for VCU?)

@sajju786 do you know what it means if I didn’t get anything from connections?

like did anyone else not get a notification? I’m confused.

never mind rip

@Dreamingteen3221 In-state! NJMS sent me an email asking me to schedule a date for the interview through their online portal.

@Bsmd2019 Thank you! I interviewed with TCNJ in early January.

@pun2018 Your question can only be answered by a medical school admission selection committee member of a particular medical school. I doubt any committee member will risk disclosing it in a public forum. No one knows for sure how the whole selection process works from beginning to the end, Every one is just guessing. Your guess is as good as any other OP.


Interesting, would like to know more on what your other experiences if it is ok with you.

I am reminded of a somewhat similar account, of the profile of a student in last year’s cycle with super terrific research profile besides top credentials in everything one can think of under the sky. Yet, she didn’t get selected in any of the reputed med programs she had applied to. When I expressed my surprise at her not getting into BU SMED where she applied too, one of the known powerhouses both at the university level and med school, for research, her dad responded that may be it was the influence of the new associate dean of admissions there who is more from a clinical and primary care background and not much into research. Or may be they got too intimidated by the student’s profile that they thought she wouldn’t be joining even if offered admission and may be the same repeated with each of the programs she applied to, who knows?

She got into few top ivies though and must be doing fabulously. Both NW and BU med schools have great research reputation worldwide though as of now, by the way.

Research is a important factor for MD/PhD programs which look for a few publications and consistent research work during UG. Some BSMD programs such as RPI/AMC may value research, not all. As a Ph.D, I know that the most research is done by graduate students and research fellows. UG students help in team research activities and do work as assigned by Principal Investigator (PI).

@rk2017 I suppose the girl you were referring to from last year got interviews at BU and some other top BSMD programs. If so, research may not be the factor, because the Admissions Committee would have already seen the research accomplishments and still decided to call her for interview. As pointed out by others in this forum, soft skills do play an important role in the interviews.


Who is Dr. Greene?
NU-HPME Director is Dr. Aarati Didwania

And why are you implying quality of education is suspect?
Please provide details if you have any.

@rk2017 @NoviceDad @bsmd14 Check 2018 BSMD thread and search for @bsmddoodad.

sorry I don’t know if Univ Cincinnati, dual connections sent out all invites or will send more
you could call and inquire.

@bsmddoodad, @NoviceDad, @bsmd14, @grtd2010,

Ha ha ha. Didn’t realize it was none other than bsmddoodad himself and his D I was referring to 

I was so mighty impressed by her profile that I still remembered.

@bsmddoodad, if you don’t mind sharing where your D decided to enroll, what major etc. I am sure she must be doing phenomenally.


Agreed, soft skills are also part, but I believe not all these programs are doing a good job in their selections. I have heard of students in BU SMED program, even the presidential scholars, the 10-15% in the program getting price cuts on undergrad tuition, struggling to keep up with the course work in their first year. I am sure there must be more deserving candidates whom they either didn’t invite at all or turned down after interviews. Same goes with almost all programs. Also if someone is rejected, doesn’t necessarily mean something wrong with them, soft skills wise or anything else.

@rk2017, @NoviceDad and @bsmd14 
we did interview at BU SMED program and my S liked it very much. Everything from interview to arrangements were done very professionally
 This is our first choice as of now

My S did extensive research, so I am not sure what @bsmddoodad means that BU would not accept students who have done research???