Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Yes, sorry for the confusion I was referring to NMF scholarships. Yes all scholarship amounts are per year basis and renewable for some modest requirements like a 3.0 gpa or something.

What time does UMKC wrap up campus tour after interview process?

interviews end by 3.00pm and UMKC Campus tour and UMKC Medical Campus tour go until 5.00pm

Is bu scholarship NM for 4 years or yearly ?

@Mimic17 - can you share your experience from the interview process for HPME including any pointers for current applicants. Thanks.

Just popping in here since my name has been taken in vain in this thread. :wink:

USNews med school rankings are crap. They rely heavily on “reputation” (whatever the heck that is
) and federal funding $$$. They also require a voluntary participation on the part of school being ranked. Med schools can opt out (Tulane does, for example) and are given a RNP or are listed as “unranked”. So the unranked label is pretty meaningless.

Match lists are not especially useful either. A match list is only reflective of the interests of a particular set of students. And, believe it or not, people choose to go into primary fields with sky high STEP scores. (One of my Ds had a Step 1 >250. She could have easily matched into any competitive field she wanted, but she choose what is often considered a primary care field. My other D’s Step scores were slightly lower–but still in the top 20% nationally; she was heavily recruited by the Rad Onc and ortho trauma groups at her med school because of her academic background and unique skill set. Like her sister, she chose a specialty not based on the prestige or competitiveness, but on her personal interests. FWIW, my PCP is an AOA grad from USNews top 10 med school.) There is substantial research available investigating how med students choose specialties. The data shows specialty choice is largely driven by personal interest so specialty choice can’t be considered a proxy for quality of instruction.

Also complicating any discussion about match lists is the fact that people outside of the specialty do not know how residency programs are regarded by people within the profession. Some of the very best residency programs in country are not located at Ivies/Stanford/UCSF/JHU/UWash. IndianaU, UAlabama, UCinncinati, Denver Medical, UNC–these all host extremely highly regarded residency programs (top reputation among specialty members) and are likely on no one’s radar outside of the medical profession.

It’s even difficult to discuss what is a primary care specialty because there is no consensus which specialties are included. The NHS includes family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics, gerontology (which is a fellowship level specialty), OB/GYN and psychiatry in their primary care categories. Some organizations count emergency medicine as a primary care field. Still others exclude OB/GYN and EM because both are procedural-oriented specialties. Psych is included as often as it’s excluded from the primary care category.

So, my $.02–USNews ranking and match lists are pretty meaningless when looking at medical schools. Every single medical school in the country matches top students into competitive specialties and into “prestige” residency programs.

(UNebraska matches more students into neurosurgery year after year than Harvard does. Go figure ¯_(ツ)_/¯ )

As for the issue of med school not offering a certain specialty at its home hospital system–this is a disadvantage, but it’s not an insurmountable one. That’s what away rotations are for.

@WayOutWestMom thanks for coach challenged red flag.

@@WayOutWestMom Thanks for sharing your experience. I like the comment
“Every single medical school in the country matches top students into competitive specialties and into “prestige” residency programs.”
My quote " Prestige alone, will not get you into top residencies."

Does anyone know what is SBU/GW MCAT requirement to get promoted to medical school. The SBU site says “Successful Completion of MCAT” only. Thanks.

@grtd2010 " Prestige alone, will not get you into top residencies.".
Bottom-line one has to be a top dog in whatever profession they are pursuing. Agree with that there is not single magic bullet for success. I will go a step further, generally a top dog character is able to get into prestige that provides a platform and its up-to that top dog to fully utilized the opportunity, otherwise it will be a dog only.

Dang, I woke up (currently in India) and you guys are all hotly debating rankings and beating up on @rk2017 :slight_smile: However faulty US News ranking is people do follow them and has some value but that’s not the end of the world. Also, opportunities exist everywhere and you need to make use of it. Microsoft CEO went to 4th tier engineering school in India. My spouse did residency at a community hospital but got fellowship at a top 5 school (no dispute about it’s rank :wink: )

@rk2017 - Dang, we have too many similarities LOL my DS also took PSAT cold and ended up one point below CA cutoff. He couldn’t understand Fredrick Douglas essay! He would have gotten another $2k per year at Vandy (on top of his scholarship) :slight_smile: He blames me for not pushing for PSAT prep :slight_smile:

@srk2017 I am sure that he would make up for 8k lost at Vandy in his future earnings. Teach him about investing and he can multiply that several times.

Will PSU/Jefferson decisions come out mid-February or early March? I visited with Dr. Markle (program director at Penn State) last year, and he gave me a folder that said decisions should come back mid-February. However, they came out 1st week of March in 2016. Just wondering if anyone had information about this.


(@vvtuav and others
Check your Penn State portal for the update. Good luck!).

Out of curiosity, @GoldenStateDad, how long ago was your son’s/daughter’s interview?



Congratulations!!! @GoldenStateDad , thanks for information

@Cherax , PSU interviews completed on Jan 15


That was a passionate discussion on “rankings.”
Thanks everyone for their view points.

I had couple of observations/ questions

  1. @WayOutWestMom - is your D’s (who had >250 score) case an outlier? I only ask because if she chose family medicine then it would be an outlier but if she chose internal medicine with an aim to further specialize, it may not be. And if she went to some other specialty (that you consider as part of primary care), it would be good to know.
    And wouldn’t UNebraska’s neuro-surgery matches show up in their match list?

  2. @grtd2010 - why do you say there is NO validity in @NoviceDad data? I agree with him that Match List are objective data that medical schools put out. How can that not be valid? You may NOT take them as the only criteria but shouldn’t they be part of the mix?

  3. @rk2017 - thank for checking data for NU/BU. I looked at NU data and came to the same conclusion - it is cumbersome to work with. That’s the beauty of objective data - anyone can check it.

4)There is lots of data out on residency match lists. I came across this while doing a Google search -
I like Chart 6.

Again, I am relatively new on this forum and do appreciate the guidance all of you put out.
Please keep doing it.

And congratulations to all for their PSU/Jefferson PMM acceptances