Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@zsxBSMD2019 , I think the first batch of interview invites came today , those that applied by the first deadline, may be the second batch, will come by next week. I remember them having two deadlines . Does that make sense?

Congratulations to all who have received acceptances / interview calls.

To all others, especially students:

You have done your best once you have submitted your application. You have no control after that.

I know of cases where folks with perfect scores and perfect As were NOT called for interviews or getting acceptances.
So, one does NOT know what admissions committee (AdComs) look when they select some for interviews.
Don’t stress too much on why you did NOT get called for an interview. And stop worrying about someone else’s acceptances.
Focus on the interviews at hand, if any.

Also, as I have said before, be strategic in your time-investment on this forum.
Hearing about other folks can give one anxiety and self-doubt. Avoid doubting yourself. The fact that you are a competitive candidate itself speaks volumes about you.

And best to ignore some of the “noise” on this forum. A good example of “noise” was the recent discussion on relative quality / rankings. There is no one best method and arguing about my approach is better than yours is best described as noise. In the grand scheme of things, quality is one factor, and how someone decides on a college will boil down to one’s unique personal circumstances.

Best is to reduce the time on this forum - get your parents or well-wishers to monitor this forum for information - interview dates, etc.
Focus on your grades, interview prep, your robotics or science fairs, your competitions, and having fun when you can.

All the very best.

Hofstra: one attempt for MCAT is VERY TRUE.

Is MCAT a matriculation requirement for Hofstra?


Refer to my posts # 2004, #1895 and #981.

Yes - MCAT is required in ONE sitting for matriculation into Hofstra.
I believe you need 80 or 85 percentile (need to check) which is not at all difficult to get.

@NoviceDad When did you hear from Stony Brook last year regarding interviews? Their program attracts me.

You seem to have asked all relevant questions.

Some folks on this forum may NOT care about residency matches - that’s their view point. As far as I know, there have been NO scientific studies on ANY rankings. Methodologies are provided and people look at them and decide for themselves whether they agree or disagree with it. During all my posts on relative quality, I have NOT uttered the word “prestige” even once. Don’t know why someone would interpret relative quality as prestige. Beats me.

I am a bigger believer in outcomes and residency match list are the most objective form of that.
I believe quality of education / learning is important and whatever metric gives you additional information regarding quality, you should look at it.

But take all rankings/ relative quality ratios (including mine) as ONE factor in your overall decision making.
No one system is perfect.

I think in the larger interest of the group, I will stop any more posts on relative quality (in this thread atleast).
I think this entire discussion has become one big “noise” and distracting everyone.

All the very best for your decision on your feeder school for LECOM.

Stonybrook interview invite: First week of March

@diaash thanks for the insight, but what do you mean two deadlines? like different interview dates? since for the supplemental applications, I am pretty sure they were all due the same day (Dec. 18)

@zsxBSMD2019 they had two early action deadlines, nov 15 and dec 15 and yes the supplementals were all due by feb 1st but everyone received supplemental notifications on different dates. M assuming they had two batches of applications. Again this is just my thinking , I could be wrong .

@kyrietonyk , did u get an email from Sophie Davis? Or was it on portal?

Sophie Davis sends email interview invitations and an invitation letter in postal mail as well.

Received offer of admission to PSU/Jeff PMM!!!

congrats @OVOGang !!!

Congratulations to everyone who received acceptances today!

Does the Union/AMC program prepare students for a career as physicians or is is the focus more on leadership and administration?

@diaash Oh, yes I see what you mean now. I didn’t understand initially because i thought you were referring to the Union/AMC program, not Hofstra. But the logic with the two different EA deadlines totally makes sense now, so hopefully more of us will be receiving an invite at a later date.

@ad2019 The leadership and healthcare administration courses are all integrated into the undergraduate years. Once students go to AMC, it would be just like normal medical school.

@gallentjill For the Hofstra program, the brochure available at says the following as a requirement for matriculation into med school: “Completing the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) with a minimum score equivalent to the 80th percentile at a single sitting must be achieved and submitted by January of the application cycle”. This statement does not preclude the student from doing multiple attempts.

At another URL (, the wording is different: “A minimum Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) score equivalent to the 80th percentile at the first sitting must be achieved and submitted by January of the medical school application cycle”. This statement could mean that the student can do multiple attempts, but must score whatever was the 80th percentile score when he/she took MCAT the first time.

It is better that you check with Hofstra admissions.