Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@themedgirl1 I emailed them and they told me the med school’s looking to have all invites out by the end of next week

@bsmdalien…we still have hope till end of the month for an interview form NU-HPME, we did not get an invite yet…

@acmehta @zsxBSMD2019 Okay thank you!!

^ I was just wondering because last year they were all sent out by the 16th.

@bsmdalien - according to email we received end of January from HPME,

“Dear HPME Applicant,

HPME application review is currently underway and we have begun sending out interview decisions. Decisions are sent out on a rolling basis from now through late-February…”

Thus, I would still hold out hope as we are only in mid-February. We are hoping as well.

Hey everyone,

I recently started to worry because I received a C in the highest Spanish class as a freshman first semester. I’m currently a sophomore and planning to retake the class. I have AP Micro as a semester and the other semester Spanish 2-3.

My GPA currently is a 3.85 UW and it’s going to hopefully go up to a 3.92+ by the time senior year arrives. I had one bad freshman year (first semester, 1 C 1 B+) and I really want to know my chances for BS/MD programs.

Here are my stats and maybe you guys can see if I’m a good fit and if that C will ruin my chances. (concise as possible)

Indian Male, Illinois
GPA 3.85 UW 4.2 W (projected 4.6-4.7 W)
Classes Honors AP: No AP freshman year allowed, Sophomore year: AP Comp Sci, Engineering Honors, Geometry Honors
Junior year: Pre calc honors, AP Biology, ap physics 1, ap micro, apush
Senior year: AP Calc BC, AP Stats, AP Chem, AP Gov, AP macro, Anatomy Honors

SAT: currently scoring around the 1350 to 1400 ranges in practice tests (khan academy, Kaplan, etc)
Looking for a 1550+ (Kaplan over the summer and really starting studying soon for test in October of this year)

ACT: 28-30 Range, looking for 35+ when ACT later next year

Volunteer Lutheran Home: senior Home care (60+ hours), leader of events and hosting
Sophomore Class Board: 30 hours, planning for excuetive position next year
FDA (future doctors of America): planning for a leadership spot next year
NHS: next year and senior year
Vex Robotics: made world championship last year, in state championship coming up and hopefully again world championship
Debate: just a member, Junior varsity

Rubin Mini Med: 20 hours
Shadowing doctor who’s a dean at a big college over the summer
Hospital volunteering over the summer (will be finally 16)

That’s it. Thanks everyone!

Forgot to mention in my post, I will most likely do some sort of research the summer before senior year starts.

You should be on track. Check out my results post, I got into a BSMD with a lower UW GPA and a C in junior year.

@vvtuav that’s great to hear, congrats on getting into bsmd! I went on your profile and it says no activity, can you send me a link? Greatly appreciated.

I need some help… I just got an interview for the HPME program, and I am really excited. I was wondering how many applicants get invited and how should I prepare.

For those who have been to the FAU interview, how many seats does the program have? Also how important is the interview after the three years and before medical school; is it a formality or a full-fledged interview?

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FAU’s College of Medicine reserves 16 seats per year for students in the Medical Pipelines Program, which (correct me if I’m wrong) includes both the students from Wilkes Scholars Medical Program and Med Direct.

However, I do not know how people got interviews this year; I also do not know the answer to your second question :frowning:

@bsmdalien we received the HPME interview today… Dont lose your hopes…


As @vvtuav mentioned you should be fine. Check the separate thread for 2019 results in which he posted his stats (if that’s what you mean by “link”). I noticed you are taking Chemistry AP in senior year. Have you already taken honors chemistry or going to in Junior year? Some programs like NU HPME and BU SMED do require SAT subject test in chemistry (they consider it more important than even Bio). So try to accommodate Chemistry in Junior year itself if possible. Also what happens if you repeat Spanish, are they going to overwrite the grade with the new grade on the transcript or take the average of the two grades? I see you are heavily into Robotics, which is good, try to include any research stints in your portfolio if possible.

@MWapplicant ,

Congratulations. @NoviceDad already answered the question on Post #3159 (on Feb 10) if you want to go back and refer to. He may have also provided some hints too, just look out for his posts. You can search by author in this thread (hopefully he may also respond to this soon).

@Mahikesh …congrats…

congrats @Mahikesh


Congratulations @MWapplicant and @Mahikesh. Did you receive your HPME interview invite this afternoon ? Called NU earlier today and they did confirm that interview invitations will be sent through the end of the month

Anyone know the last day of the UIC GPPA interviews ? Are they still sending out interview invitations ?

@MWapplicant @Mahikesh
Congratulations !!!