Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Sorry for the late reply @bearsfan21 , here’s the link:

@sunflower406, received this evening…


As @rk2017 mentioned, please refer to my post #3159.

Interviews are one-on-one.
Atleast 2 interviews- one with a physician and another with the Director or someone from her office.


On the day of the interview, only the student is allowed inside the medical school.

Link to my post on interviews

All the very best

@MWapplicant @Mahikesh


One C may not be damaging but having one C per year may raise some red flags.

Good grades and great SAT/ACT scores are tablestakes, especially since you belong to an over-represented minority (ORM).

Also, re-evaluate your time commitment to activities. Depth more important than breadth.

Also, work on your story. What makes you unique?

Thanks @Mahikesh

@bearsfan21 Glad to see another VEX Robotics candidate, lots of current pool applicants have NIH research experience, you still have time to switch gears if BS/MD is your passion.

thanks to all

congrats @Mahikesh @MWapplicant! If you don’t mind me asking…what are the interview date options that HPME gave you?

@bearsfan21 Being an ORM ( Indian Male), you should aim for high stats to increase your chances of success in BSMD programs. One C in Spanish (II or III ) will not matter much. IMHO, you do not need to repeat the class. Please aim for the highest possible standardized SAT/ACT and SAT subject scores and higher UW GPA. GL

Does anyone know if all interview invites have gone out for NJMS? When my DS calls admissions office, he gets the same answer every time that his application has not yet been reviewed.
When is the last interview date?

Can confirm that NJMS interviews will be going out for many more weeks.

Thank you @Cherax Keeping fingers crossed!
Curious - does NJMS invites go alphabetically - by lastname / firstname?

Does anyone know if the NJMS interviews have started for the Caldwell BS/MD Program? Has anyone received a NJMS interview invite?

Congrats @Mahikesh and @MWapplicant! Best of luck!

My DD is a Sophomore in GA and is 16 years old. She has exposure to research at school and is actively looking for
summer research internship. Lately, I been hearing a lot about NIH Research here. I looked at SIP program and it is only for instate kids. Any ideas/suggestions where to look for those kind of opportunities? Thanks for your help in advance.

@rk2017 I’m taking Chemistry AC, no honors Chem is offered in my school. I did forget to mention that I will take Math 2 before senior year starts and I will be taking Bio subject test in may of junior year.

If I retake Spanish, it will remove my C from the GPA calculations and it will still say C in transcript of freshman year first semester, but also A or whatever grade I get in spanish 3 in the junior year section.

Pretty heavy in robotics, will try to do something related for research such as robotics and biology.

Any other advice and thanks!


@NoviceDad I just got 1 C and 1 B+ freshman year first semester. Have continued to get all A’s ever since.
Will be really looking in to getting all A’s and a very high SAT.

Not sure on what makes me unique, I have to look in on that one. Thanks, and any other advice?

Yes, I have been interested in BSMD for a good while now. Robotics is not related to medical, but both are STEM. Robotics is for fun and a competitive “sport” and a big fan of it. Will be looking on more of research.