Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@PPofEngrDr ^

@grtd2010 Will do and thanks for the advice!

@grtd2010 Will do and thanks for the advice!

Can only find 2 stats for 2019 bsmd applicants. Hopefully more people can look into it and post there stats.


Try to avoid polyposting : ) it clogs up the thread.

I have no doubt that many will post their stats once more results start to come out.


Don’t worry too much about NIH research if it gets prohibitively difficult. Any decent research that conveys your passion should suffice. Lately I learned the summer programs at NIH are getting more restrictive preferring local students to the facilities (and of course as always those with the right connections).

However you can look for universities and research facilities in and around your city and state and contact them. If you explore the below link (courtesy @NoviceDad) you can also find the information at Principal Investigator level (PI), read their research abstracts and contact them if interested. Below is the search for Georgia, likewise you can do for any of the states.


Robotics is pretty multi disciplinary and vast field which encompasses Bio medical instrumentation, surgery, prosthetics, orthopedics and such. Try to see if you can get into combination of it with any of these or more.

The results thread with 2 posts, barely started few days ago :-). The first post is in fact @NoviceDad 's D’s stats from last year posted just to serve as a model for future contributors. Folks are still attending interviews and it will take 2-3 months more before everything is set and done. So give them some time :-)). Also I expect and hope there will be a significant number of students and parents posting their stats in the Results thread this time. Past few cycles there have been more takers than givers unfortunately.

However, be aware when you contact the PIs that not many may have openings for high school students.
They can range anyway from college students, graduate students to Post doctoral candidates. Just to set the expectations right.

@bearsfan21 I am still waiting on a couple of results, but I do plan on posting on the results thread to help out future applicants.

Anyone going to FAU’s interview on the 25th?

@rk2017 Thank you very much for great info. I would have never thought of checking like this. Very useful. I will have my DD reach out to the ones that are of interest to her.

@rk2017 I agree NIH research is not a big deal as us and others do not have it and still got interviews. Consistency and any local college is fine as long student has passion and can immerse in it.

Echoing what others have said. NIH research is not a requirement. We didn’t have it and were plenty successful.

Hpme just sent out more invites. My friend just got the email 20 minutes ago

@Rainiertx good to hear from you after a long year. Where is your DC accepted last year? Also there is the thread for last year batch students college experience, you may want to post there.

NIH helps in UPitt - if you are out of state.
They value other research a little lower than NIH funded research.
They discriminate against in-state kids.

Anyone want to give more information about NIH. I will be doing research next year, and NIH frequently pops up in this thread. Thanks!

Don’t just look at Robotics as “fun” activity.
Take leadership roles there and that will help in your application.

For those that have received HPME interview invites so far, do you think NU is processing HPME applications in the order that they were received ? Meaning those students that submitted their completed applications close to the deadline should assume their application is at the bottom of the pile ?

@NoviceDad of course it’s mainly for fun and competitive nature, I will be doing leadership activities around robotics in general.