Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@rk2017 My D has a different opinion of RWJMS facility and the caliber of the students after attending their S3A academy. She said the cadaver room is very spooky, dingy and not well kept and broken fingers were on the floor… She compared that with Temple and said the facilities are excellent and cadaver room is well lit and bagged… it is just a kid’s opinion…


Hmm …odd, never heard such a thing before.
I personally know 4 kids who went to that med school (traditional route) and ended up in great residencies and fellowships. Also their match list last year is on par or even better than their peers with more glamour. You may want to search this thread for phrases like Robert Wood, match day etc. to look for those posts.

@rk2017 , probably that is her experience. Since it is a state school, they have to cater to entire spectrum…

washu is out… didn’t get it

also i know it’s basically a lost cause… but will bu ever send out rejections?

WashU out :frowning:

Yikes didn’t get selected as a finalist for a single one of WashU’s programs or scholarships…

Nope. No finalist for my DS either at Wash U in St Louis.

It’s a moot point but I just had to ask - on their website it states that the GPA and MCAT requirements to proceed to medical school was >=3.8 and >97th percentile. Is that true and not a typographical error? If it’s real, then is it known what the attrition rate is? Seems very restrictive. And how many do they usually accept and how many matriculate to the program? Again, I was just curious.

Rejected at Washu no big deal
With GPA and MCAT requirements no regrets!!

Feb 26,27,28

@OldSchoolMD Those requirements are correct, yes. When I talked to my local admissions counselor about those, she seemed to suggest that most students don’t have a hard time meeting the requirements… That’s a 518-519 (of 528) on the MCAT btw, which isn’t terribly higher than most other schools (ranging from ~510-516 usually).

@Cherax - thanks for your thoughts. Question is what does “most students” mean?? I heard that premed is tough at the school, with concerns re: grade deflation. Also, for that student scoring say 94-97%, that 518-19 is significant. It just seems that if you meet those requirements, GPA 3.8 and 98% MCAT, one is probably going to medical school anyway (pending EC, research, volunteer, etc.). I do understand that Wash U’s medical school is top notch so that’s how they probably justify it. It would seem however that the advantage of less stress in a BS/MD program wouldn’t necessarily translate to such a program with high GPA/MCAT requirements.

Do we know how many they usually interview/accept/matriculate?

I’m a finalist for the WashU med program :smiley:
In march I’ll be interviewing for both Case Western, and WashU! Wish me luck.

@OldSchoolMD Not sure what most students mean, but that’s what she said. They have ~10 BS/MD students in each class.

Do they have grade deflation problems? I wasn’t aware of that.

Thanks @MWapplicant …Congratulations @Arnkim and best wishes for your upcoming interviews

Congrats @Arnkim! Maybe you and my DS will meet up at CWRC next month. Best of luck on your interviews!


When were you interviewed for the Union/AMC LIM program?

@CaDad2019 towards the end of Jan.

Thank you so much @Mahikesh and @rk2017! My DD gets an invite to apply for it.

Those of u who got casewestern and northwestern and wash u and bu interviews, could u please list ur profiles here or on results thread, irrespective of the interview results. Will be extra helpful to all. I was just curious as to what exactly they looking for . Congratulations and best wishes to u all with interviews