Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@Cherax It is what they told me at my interview 3 years ago when I interviewed at AMC. Our advisor at Union is also the director of the program and sits on the admissions committee for the program and I have heard her tell one or two students about the selection process when they ask during the Q&A sessions I attend as a current student in the program. I don’t know if they still give you this information during your interview time at AMC, as it may have changed in the past few years.

We have also heard nothing from Stonybrook.

Did anyone hear from NU-HPME today…
@sajju786 … ?

Happy to share our first bsmd Acceptance from VCU GMED.

@bsmdalien…nope…less hopes now reg NU-HPME…

Congratulations @whitecane

Thanks @sajju786

@whitecane, Congratulations!!!

@whitecane, Congratulations!

@whitecane, Congratulations!

@whitecane - Congratulations !!!

Got Acceptance from VCU. I am so happy. Thank you all on this forum. Wish you all the best for those waiting.


Thank you all for your generous support and encouragement…all the hard work will definitely pay off in one way or another.Good luck to all the kids and parents.

@Jaswant Congratulations !!!

@whitecane congratulations

@Jaswant congratulations

@whitecane @Jaswant
Are you from VA/MD area?

@smltwnD I believe neither of them are in state or in region.
But historically, from what I’ve heard anectdotally, they have admitted lots of females for some reason.
I don’t know if they are or not. Keep that in mind though, for future cycles.

@smltwnD and @bsmdadmit

Yes we are OOS for Vcu.We saw a very good number of girl interviewees this cycle.