Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@sajju786 @BigMan1234
Are you guys from Texas or surrounding states of OK, just wondering if they prefer instate or regional students?

All who have given Hofstra interview…is it like other BS/MD interviews? Anything unique or specific to it?

To further @bsmdadmit 's question… whosoever has already attended Hofstra interview, can they please give info about area, parking and any suggestions on how early to arrive?

Are Rice Baylor interviews out ?

@smltwnD …I am from IL state…
@trustybsms …Rice/Baylor will come out on or after April 1st after Rice April 1st Admission Day

@smltwnD OU has no preference for IS. It depends on the pool in a given year. In my DD year out of 5, 1 is from OK. In general more TX students apply (not just for BS/MD but for OU overall) since it is closer than some of the cities in Tx itself.

@bsmdalien @bsmdadmit and others, when are your Hofstra interview dates?

@cherax soon…

If you’re on the 6th I’ll see you there : )

DS received NJMS interview (NJIT), any help or links on how to prep for BS MD interview at NJMS will be of great help. He received so many rejections, just received this one to keep the hopes alive, really appreciate any of your experiences that you can extend to prep for this interview

Anyone get SBU/GW decision? I got accepted ?

Thank you @sajju786 @GoldenRock

Good luck @sajju786

Congratulations to all on their interviews
@Cherax @sajju786 @bigman @bsmdadmit @bsmdalien @pkx2017

Congratulations @medgirl6 on your acceptance


Here is a link that I had shared earlier on interview tips:



Parking: it is very close to the medical school
Follow the map provided on your invite.
Or here is the link

If you coming from out of town and planning to stay overnight, there are many hotels within 3 miles of the campus.

If you plan to drive in the morning, be aware that there is one main “highway” connecting Long Island to NYC. Plan for NYC traffic.

I’d love any thoughts you guys have on deciding between Union/AMC and Hofstra. D has Hofstra interview coming up . I know she doesn’t actually have this choice yet, but I’d still love to hear thoughts.

@NoviceDad Thank you for this excellent info. Also, do you know if the interview is just like other BS/MD interviews?

Around 40 are in the pool for on-campus interviews this year.

@maculata for Hofstra or the FAU program I believe (?) you’re in?

I hope you will all have patience with me because I know I’m getting a little anxious for no good reason. My D is only in high school and I know its impossible to know for sure what specialty she wants. However, she really seems to want reproductive endocrinology and has wanted that for some time. Can any tell me…is that one of the specialties that is difficult to get and would the choice of medical school make a difference? I really know nothing about this.