Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@gallentjill - It’s a long way to think about reproductive endocrinology. It’s a fellowship program after internal medicine. I doubt that medical school makes big difference. what kind of relationships she builds during residency matters more.

@gallentjill Endocrinology is a fellowship following an internal medicine residency. The choice of medical would not make a significant difference leading into an internal medicine residency. As for your specific choice, Union/AMC is valuable for the MS/MBA/MPH it provides. This is useful if your daughter eventually plans to open a private practice or work with administration. In all honesty, the degree helps no matter what the outcome is.

Honestly, what I continue to see is that it’s not the uber-skilled who succeed in a particular field, it’s those who have the most passion for what they do. If she is passionate about reproductive endocrinology and she’s determined to enter it as a field, she almost certainly will succeed.

Hope this helps!

This year OU may have called 24 students for interview, 12 per day. It used to be 20. Probably 10-12 will be offered and around +/- 6 will matriculate.

@gallentjill - Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility is a subspecialty fellowship of Ob/Gyn (not internal medicine). Critical important is understanding that there are only about 50 REI Fellowship positions available each year across United States (up from ~40 5 years ago, up from 30 ~30 20 years ago) This means that as one of the most competitive if not the most competitive OB/GYN fellowship (Gyn Oncology not far behind), one should always keep in mind that there is a reasonable possibility that if you doesn’t get a REI fellowship that they would be doing OB/GYN For their career. I’ve known many forego this path as the reasonable possibility of doing Ob/Gyn was not acceptable (readily different than REI as a career). Having said that, as it was expressed above, if one does have a passion and dedication and works towards that goal, it is certainly a possibility. But bottom line - Med school doesnt matter as much. What would count is the CREOGs (standardized testing for Ob/gyn), research, and letters of recommendation. Just wanted to make sure one goes in with eyes wide open. Best of luck to your DD.

Anyone know how many acceptance Cincinnati dual connections sends out after the interview??? Thx

@oldschoolmd Thanks! I will pass this on to my D. She is heavily leaning towards Union/AMC. Do you know if a student would be able to do research there? Or is that something that is done during OB/GYN residency. I definitely want her to go in with eyes open.

Did any one get FAU acceptances from the first interview dates in Feb? And did anyone get invite for the second interview dates in March?

@oldschoolmd -Thanks for the correction. I thought it’s after Internal Medicine.

Got Baylor/Baylor College of Medicine Interview…on March 22nd.

Congratulations @sajju786 … When is your Cincinnati interview??? Thx

May I know the person’s name who hot into sbu/GWU combined program

Congratulations @medgirl6 on your acceptance

Congratulations @sajju786.
Do you have lot of publications, I heard they won’t give out lot of interviews as they have very few seats

Did anyone get Caldwell/NJMS interview?

@hoop897 …Univ of Cincinnati this Friday.
@smltwnD …yes research for 2 yrs…

Thanks @NoviceDad and @smltwnD :slight_smile:

Congratulations @medgirl6

Congratulations !!! @medgirl6 and @sajju786

Hofstra’s med school is quite amazing! For those worried about rankings they’ve been riding steadily. They have an excellent curriculum and the buildings are so modern and stacked with facilities.

Hi all,
FAU Acknowledge Form is due 3/11. I’m not sure if it is the binding acceptance or just the acknowledgment and we still have more time to think and evaluate. If anyone knows, please shed some light.