Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

And if I got a 3.85 uw gpa? Would that make a difference?

@bearsfan21, Higher GPA is always better. There is no one fixed GPA number you should get. Some students who got 4.0 (uw) and 4.5 (w) did not get interviews and some with lower GPA’s got interviews. Do your best to get higher GPA, and work hard to get good ACT score (to compensate lower GPA). Find some research opportunities and volunteering. Finally pray God!!!

Thank you for the info. I read on their website it is non binding, does that mean kids after undergrad apply elsewhere and don’t lose the seat. If they apply outside and don’t get in a different school of their likings ( sometimes kids might change their mind, don’t want to live in the same place, etc) they can go back to UIC medical school, is that correct?
That’s a great flexibility not many programs have if true.

@bsmdseekerkg what gpa (uw) should one aim for. I’m going to be around 3.85 to 3.92 and just wanted to know if that will be competitive enough.

SLU Medical Scholars Program decisions are out as well. Received yesterday via snail mail.

@gallentjill UG school sent out email of admission into BSMD program but he did not get any paper documentation confirming BS/MD. After few years of UG, medical school said they never selected him. There seems to be some communication gap between UG and medical school.

@bearsfan21 just to put in perspective, last year there were ~10 students in top 2% of class for my S. 1 ended up in GPPA, 1 in U Cincinnati, 1 SLU Med scholar, 1 NYU, 2 UMich Ross, 1 NU. The year before 2 kids ended up in UMKC.


Congratulations on your S getting into his top choice! It has been a pleasure to help you (or anyone else) here with whatever little exposure or experience I have had.


Congratulations to you and your DD! Yes, you got to choose what is close to heart. D was also considering majoring in philosophy and/psychology in the 1st year but changed minds subsequently. Wondering why you chose to withdraw from Brooklyn College so early (for DownState direct program right?)


Don’t get too caught up on GPA, you are fine. It is only one aspect of your portfolio. Obsessing over one thing can indeed prove counter productive. Try to do well on all fronts and don’t bother about end results till this time around in senior year.


Thanks for sharing the stats of the top students of your DS’s batch. Kind of surprised though comparing with my D’s erstwhile high school. Looks like around a dozen kids got into various BS/MD programs (though the school size is about 50% bigger than your Son’s), so feel for some reason the counts in your school are somewhat lower than they should have been. Also few more kids got into BS/DO programs.

Of the kids you mentioned who chose traditional route, guess most got financial aid/awards like your son for NU.
From D’s school almost everyone who is attending BU except D got financial aid/awards (D is in the accelerated med program where it is almost impossible). However it is perhaps substantially more expensive for some of them compared to almost free ride awards instate, but they still went ahead for the class apart departments/fields of study they wanted to pursue there.

@rk2017 With regard to Brooklyn, it was the program that D felt least comfortable with. I know its a great program but it just wasn’t for her. Once she was accepted at Union, she felt she wanted to free up the slot since they only take 15 students and she knew she would choose Union over Brooklyn.

Congratulations @sajju786 @gallentjill
Please remain on this site to help next year applicants:)


One reason is kids who applied to BS/MD programs were very selective (didn’t throw wider net, to my knowledge none of them had applied to any east/northeast coast BS/MD), other reason is being a STEM oriented academy high school (~650 senior class, ~60 are STEM, my son had admission into UIUC BioE as well as GATECH BME), majority prefer to go to engineering route (it feeds UIUC, UIC, Purdue,Iowa, Wisconsin states universities big time). Atleast from his high school I don’t see a big push for BS/MD programs, neither from school district nor from kids. To my knowledge <20 students may have applied to any BS/MD programs. UMich was a big surprise last year, as previous few years 0 student (including the batch of my elder son) was offered an admission, last year that number just swing to ~10 (go figure that out).

@trustybsms are REMS interview results out already?

@sajju786 - Congratulations! What’s the tuition? I see it as and 46K for instate and 90K+ for OOS. Is that true? both numbers look high.


No I was referring to interview invitees part only

Congratulations @sajju786 and @gallentjill !!

@srk2017 GPPA medicine, dentistry is instate only. OOS can’t even apply.

@PPofEngrDr - Thanks for the clarification. I was referring to this page

Wanted to get thoughts from folks familiar with SLU’s Medscholars program. We are aware that it’s not a guaranteed program, what % of Medscholars end up getting admitted to their Medschool? How difficult is the UG curriculum wrt maintaining a 3.65 cgpa? Thanks

@srk2017 haha that OOS makes sense for traditional route UIC medicine, it is still cheap for @sajju786 being instate, 80K total for M1. if you include UG, 15-17K a year, it is still not bad at all and can potentially wrap up UG in 3 years.

@sunitacarmen we were in that boat last year. We asked ourselves for worst case scenario, what is Plan B if you can’t maintain 3.65 GPA? Do you still want to be in SLU UG? To my knowledge whether Med scholar or UG, curriculum difficulty is same.