Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

This is what has us worried about SLU. Extracted from a social media site. Anyone at SLU please comment:

“I would really talk to someone in the program NOW because I’m pretty sure that’s a similar response that I got when I applied 6 years ago and from what I heard when I was there for med school, things had changed after the medical school dean left couple of years ago. There have been many cases where medical scholars weren’t admitted to the medical school despite having the aforementioned credentials. If it were one offs I’d understand but based on what I heard, it was a sizable number. Unfortunately, everyone I know has graduated at this point. But I’m sure if you were to contact one of the slu counselor they’ll give you some cotnact info…I’d be really careful considering the program unless you obtain facts on conversions and criteria”

Thanks @sunitacarmen

@BarkLouder, @MaMaTEN - congrats on Upstate program! Can you share tips on MMI interview. Thanks,


I agree with both @upstream and @Cherax regarding “top 20” (whatever that is supposed to mean and according to who?) traditional route undergrad. Both raised valid points. If your student has had high school at Tjhsst, Stuyvesant and any of the very rigorous schools you are confident that prepared the kids well for college, the undergrad doesn’t matter. Otherwise it can be a mine field within the landscape of these 20 odd schools. If medicine is really what your student wants to choose as a career, urge to give some serious thinking if the undergrad you are thinking of attending is one among Cornell, Princeton, JHU, UCB, UCLA, WashU, MIT, Columbia … I am sure I missed some (And don’t fall for their manipulated stats about what percentage of their undergrads are successful in going to med schools).

Regarding SLU, I tend to agree with @upstream. Worst case scenario, you will come out with just an undergrad from a not so fancied place but you will be saving all the undergrad tuition which can be used towards med school. I think some one from 2017 or 18 results thread did go to SLU. You may want to private message and get on the field take on this from him or her.

Dear friends, my DD got a tough decision to choose only one option, please provide your suggestion:
1). WashU BS/MD
2). Duke full scholarship

WashU med school is the highest ranked out of all BS/MD but you need to make sure that DD can maintain the high requirements for matriculation to med school.

@Greentree2000 To me its a no brainer - Duke full scholarship. If I’m reading correctly, the requirements for WashU BSMD med are so extreme that the program is no help whatsoever. 3.8GPA and MCAT 97th percentile. With stats like those, you could get into most medical schools with no problem. Also, WashU is not an easy place to get that kind of GPA. Honestly, I feel like I must be missing something, because I don’t know why anyone would take this offer unless WashU was their first choice UG anyway.

@sunitacarmen It seems SLU med scholar+presidential scholarship is only option you have. Finance wise its a no brainer. Opportunity wise seems you don’t have any other viable option. No matter what path you pick, BS/MD or traditional, academia is not going to be easier. However SLU relieves you from MCAT anxiety hence able to focus more on GPA part only. 2nd part of SLU about dean and unable to get a seat in medschool etc., personally didn’t hear about that all, would suggest talk it out with admission office directly, sure you have kind a dedicated rep (we had a nice lady last year and met in person too), as in online world so many times information is misleading or may be a just outlier for some strange reason. Last few years there was an issue with accreditation of med school and that is resolved (there is nothing to read into it). I forget the number of attrition from med scholar program, at end of 1st year, however that one point contact should be able to share that with you as well. We know a student from 2 years back batch and she seems enjoying it.

@Greentree2000 - I fully agree with @gallentjill and also vote for Duke full scholarship. Your DD must be an amazing student to get both and shouldn’t be hard for her to get top medical school thru traditional route. I would love to see see her stats and achievements.

@sunitacarmen More kids tends to stumble on GPA than MCAT, typically due to not transitioning well during first year or intentional tough grading general chem, general bio or Organic chem. Those who did well in HS standardized tests do well in MCAT also.

What do y’all think about Sophie Davis? It’s still seeking accreditation, and the dean resigned because the med school wasn’t projected to have a good financial budget

Definitely verify this for yourself but we were not comfortable with Sophie Davis and chose not to apply. We worried about the prospects of their new med school. It just seems suspect that it only exists for the Sophie Davis students. Also, it isn’t a traditional undergrad program, but seems to be integrated with the med school curriculum. I have heard that students who change their mind about medicine or who don’t make the grades are left with few prospects because of that. I’m sure it can be a great opportunity for the right student. It would be very cost effective, but it left us worried.

Which BS/MD results are out so far?

@kewikip, @gallentjill,

True, while the concerns about Sophie Davis may be valid, one has to keep in perspective that the program has the backing of the mighty brand name of CUNY. I am sure they will surmount any issues because of that. However heard from @Metsfan7860 on this thread sometime back, he is in the program, that significant portion of his class mates are from URM background, something you may also factor in as to how this may translate to the brand recognition be of this program in future.

@rk2017 Problem is not only accreditation but no match history yet. But, honestly, the biggest factor for us was the lack of a true undergrad program. Very scary if for some reason your kid realizes he wants something else or doesn’t make the grades. At other programs, a kid can easily switch majors and take another path. From Sophie Davis, you’d have to transfer and I have heard that it isn’t easy.

Keep in mind, they require both ACT and SAT if you wish to apply.

@gallentjill hope for best and plan for worst.

Has NJMS finished giving interviews?

Does AMC looks at applications holistically or is just about ACT/SAT scores and GPA? I’m applying to Siena

I think NJMS is done giving interviews. Don’t see any slot open now on their calendar.

Just curious - did anyone ever clarify whether Hofstra’s MCAT requirement is only one attempt?