Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019


@cy2019bsmd well I am not sure how difficult is to change admission from Ross business to LAS? To get into Ross is tough too, so LAS shouldn’t be difficult, you may want to find out from UMich if that can be done or not. If its doable, UMich UG, home state is far less costly and that home field advantage goes long way for pre-med route students as they get all support from family. Not sure what advantages do you see for BU UG (not BS/MD)?

@PPofEngrDr I think one of us misreading @cy2019bsmd post. I thought he indicated his D got BS/MD program in both PSU and BU. Not just BU UG alone. With that info, my take is BU SMED (BS/MD) program is a better choice than UofM whether Ross or LAS. Agree, UG may cost less at UofM as a IS. But beyond that nothing is within your control to get in to MD, though there is a high possibility she may be able to get in to any MD including UofM and probably with less cost than BU MD. A bird in hand is worth 2 in the bush, especially when BU MD is not a slouch nor its location to do anything academically or otherwise with nearby attractions like MGH, Harvard, MIT etc.,

@GoldenRock my bet I missed SMED. @cy2019bsmd in that case BU SMED is a no brainer unless your D has different dream school and thoughts and any highly unlikely personal circumstances preventing from going that far from MI.

Anyone got into NU HPME?

@GoldenRock, @PPofEngrDr , Yes because BSMD we are thinking about the BU. if it is regular UG, No brainier Umich is the best option.

For Umich, first they will give admission to LSA, then once you get into Ross Business school, your LSA admission is automatically cancelled. We were thinking that route (UG Business and try for MD) if we did’t get any BSMD. Now as she got into BSMD we are leaning towards to BSMD.


How certain is your D about medicine as a career? What is the motivation? If by any chance money is one of them, perhaps UMich undergrad business is a better choice. She can be off to a great start as early as 3 years and perhaps even can retire by the time she would finish residency :-). So give some serious consideration.

I was guiding my D in that direction but she refused to pay heed to it, she wanted to go to medicine that strongly.

@Mimic17 NU HPME results havent come out yet
back to waiting again :frowning:

An article in WSJ today "The Right Way to Choose A College’ at the right time of the year.

The pun part of ‘good’ for both sides of the never ending debate. It is ‘Go oD’ for who believe where you ‘Go’ is more important than what the student ‘Do’. It is ‘Do oG’ for who believes what student ‘Do’ is more important than where you ‘Go’.

It is the same 4 letters but comes in different order. At the end, you need to ‘Do’, if not now but later to reach ‘good’.

Congratulations to all who got into BU SMED.
@sajju786 which one is your son planning to take between UIC GPPA and BU SMED

hello all,

I have scoured the internet and it seems that there barely any verified information on the University of Miami’s HPM program. If there are any current students in this program, or anyone who knows someone in this program, I would greatly appreciate some help in making my decision!

To give you some background: I applied to variety of UG and BS/MD programs and schools. So far, I’ve been accepted to UMKC 6, Siena/AMC (8 yr, no mcat), SLU Med Scholars, and Miami HPM. My two top choices right now are Miami HPM and UMKC 6. Siena’s campus didn’t appeal to me, and SLU’s program seems unnecessarily risky/not a real guarantee. UMKC is nice because there’s no MCAT and its 6 years, but it does sound like a very tight squeeze with little room to grow and develop as a person, freely. Miami appeals to me because it has a great location and it sounds like I’ll be getting the normal summer breaks and opportunities to study abroad.

HOWEVER, the information on the website on this program doesn’t seem very detailed at all. It says that the program is basically just an “enriched” version of the pre-med track, and that students don’t get a guaranteed spot in the Miller SOM. It then proceeds to say that if students in HPM get a min. MCAT score, they will be given acceptance to the Miller SOM?

I need to know the following things:

  • How many people are in the program each year?
  • Is HPM like SLU med scholars, in which the students basically still have to interview and apply as med students & only a select # in the program actually MAKE it in the med school?
  • How difficult and rigorous is it to manage the HPM activities? Is the program in itself difficult, or Is it just as difficult as any Miami pre-med student would have it?
  • How often do students in the program drop out, either because they didn’t maintain the GPA or get the min MCAT score? Are there any other reasons HPM students don’t matriculate?

If there is anyone who can offer any insight at all, I would be very appreciative. It also seems like they’ve changed the program a multitude of times in recent years, so please offer me the most up to date info if you have it! I’m still pretty surprised by the lack of info on the internet and the fact that I was accepted without interviewing

(would also love to hear about anyone’s thoughts on UMKC 6 and how it compares to Miami HPM!)

@cy2019bsmd i also vote for BU SMED.

I wish they had presented more data than just their findings - it appeared too generic for me.
Yes, what you DO is always going to be important - wish they had compared for the same level of student engagement, do “selective” colleges make a difference?
As someone had told me, you may be the best jockey in town but if you are riding a dead horse, you ain’t going to finish the race, let alone win it!


Till 2016 Miami used to offer regular BS/MD, which was one of the popular sought after destinations, but they closed it since then. This replacement program they have is no way guaranteed and allows only a small subset of the students in the program to eventually matriculate into their med school. I think they are touting the program that even if one can’t matriculate into the med school there, they will still have better chances elsewhere because of their enriched program. I personally wouldn’t buy such claims unless they give you a decent financial package of course. UMKC on the other hand is guaranteed, but I am not sure how squeezing of the students in those 6 years will impact the residency placements and rest of their careers and personalities.

Miami HPM: Miami is no longer a BS/MD program. They discontinued it last year i.e. year before last was the last BS/MD batch. They now have only Health Advising for pre-med students. Their view is that they can get the quality students they want via the traditional route. If you select Miami HPM - you are choosing regular undergrad and will have to go through the process again as any traditional medical student.

UMKC: The 6-year program is accelerated and I have heard the student support there is minimal. Better reach out to @Roentgen - he is the expert on UMKC and may offer more color.

@mkuma00 To add to the above post, it clearly states no guarantee to Miller school. So I am not clear where you found “t then proceeds to say that if students in HPM get a min. MCAT score, they will be given acceptance to the Miller SOM?”

It is not going to any difficult than pre-med, though it has 2 interesting courses expects to be done by HPM and gives shadowing hours etc., Between SLU and Miami, Miami is a better choice. But between UMKC or Sienna/AMC and Miami, it is your personal call since guaranteed vs regular route. For UMKC, you know there is a dedicated thread and dedicated person with enough information to know UMKC.

You can look at my post #4617 for UMKC

@mkuma00 for UMKC another thread is a best resource, there is link in last couple of pages for latest residency match (>50% primary care)

DS Update (sorry for apparent delayed post as we just got back from UPitt GAP interview and CWRU PPSP interview):

  • rejected from Northwestern UG
  • accepted to BU SMED (but no scholarships)

Congratulations to all those accepted to BU SMED!

I was told by admissions people on day of SMED interview that despite what is stated in in website, that for those that reached the interview stage for SMED, they are automatically considered for their UG even if rejected from SMED. Again, this would only apply to those who were offered interviews.

Congratulations on BU SMED! @cy2019bsmd @sajju786
@DSOF20192023 @medgirl6