Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

@dooblydoo VCU is ranked 67th not 60th in latest US News Ranking. It is not worth taking a loan for BU( 30th ranked). The money saved (with interest) will cover probably more than half of your Medical School cost. All US accredited medical schools are equally good. Cost and benefit analysis is a basic idea applied to many domains including engineering, finance and real life. GL to you.

If you are a top performing high school student, how can you be NOT motivated to perform well in UG and slack off ? Yes, if you killed yourself in HS to be a high achiever, may be catch a breathe in UG.

Reg Rankings:

To repeat myself and put in perspective, both NJMS and Robert Wood Johnson that I am very familiar with are excellent medical schools that consistently produce top notch residencies, fellowships and physicians. Tied and ranked by the above mentioned site that some people love to swear by, at 75. I personally think they both should belong in top 40.


As you make your decisions, please post your experiences in the results thread:

@rk2017 from financial perspective NJIT/NJMS is one of the cheapest optionā€¦ total 7 years cost is much less than 200k for NJ kidsā€¦

Yes, after T20 rank wonā€™t matter that much and even T20 are not worth with the loans. NJ ones seems to be allowing lot of credit transfers compared to other schools.

schools like BU and NU know that they donā€™t need to offer merit to BSMD candidates. merit money is all about attracting students who otherwise go to Ivies.

total 7 years cost is much less than 200k for NJ kids...



I think it will be ~300k since med school portion for 4 years around 70-75k a year (unless commuting from home which may not be recommendable at that stage). But if one finishes the undergrad in 2 years and say takes up a full time research job or internship in the 3rd year, it can be around 250k.

My D has been waitlisted from the baylor to baylor program. Has anyone else been waitlisted or do you have any information on how the waitlist for this program works?

@rk2017 I met with NJMS students and many commute from home because most of the classes are recorded and itā€™s available onlineā€¦ 3rd and 4th years are rotations and it could be Morristown or st Barnabasā€¦ or anywhereā€¦ tuition is 40k/yearā€¦

For few students who are having a challenging time to make the final choice, especially due to financial constratints, review X or Y thread in SDN. It gives a different perspective since most of the responses are from medical current or prospective students.

Also to get an idea who gets any aid, select the handle of the person and see his past posts to get a glimpse if URM or ORM or what extra ordinary a person has done to get any aid.

I know it is only 3 days left, but still may be useful to make your final call.

You will have to accept the Baylor undergrad admission by depositing money.
If you have been accepted to another BS/MD program, please accept that as well.

If the waitlist clears, you can then withdraw from the other program (assuming you want to go to Baylor/Baylor).

This is acceptable strategy as you have been waitlisted on a program that is of interest to you.


While deciding A vs B vs C, do your comparisons based on:

  1. similar factors - donā€™t assume a scholarship if none has been awarded.
  2. be realistic - you can do your undergrad in 2 years in some colleges - are you going to do that? Do a scenario analyses of What happens if you factor in 3 years (instead of 2 years).
  3. Reach out to current students on FB, and talk to them about your specific questions - you will get an idea that will be better than most of us offering advice on this forum.
  4. While college is what you make out of it, the type of peers you have does play a role in your college experience.
  5. Subjective factors - every one is different and gets a different vibe of the the same campus. Do NOT ignore your vibe of the college in question. In the end, you will have to live there > 6 years.

And finally,
6) NO one on this forum knows your personal situation - so take all advice (including from yours truly) with that caveat.
Your parents know you and what they indicate may be the best advice you can get.


Thanks for sharing about commuting option at NJMS, a shot in the arm for those considering NJMS seriously.

Is that fine to give deposit enrollment fees at 2 places and then not join Baylor UG if not taken off waitlist?
Rice/Baylor strategy is same, one has to accept Rice UG to be taken off waitlist.

Yes, but you will need to inform Baylor UG why you are not joining when you withdraw the acceptance.

@NoviceDad ā€“ I am a little confused. I understand that it is always okay to forfeit a deposit if you get off the wait list at another institution, but is it normal for a special program, such as BS/MD, to require a deposit at the underlying UG in order to stay on a wait list?

That requirement implies they are asking you to commit to go to the UG, without an acceptance to the BS/MD program. Otherwise, they would simply extend your time to make a deposit until you hear about the wait list. In other words, they are asking you to state, with a non-refundable deposit, that you are going to the UG, unless you get off a wait list somewhere else, while, in reality, your intention is to NOT attend their UG unless you get off their BS/MD wait list.

Is this honest and ethical? Wouldnā€™t it be more honest and ethical to explain the situation and ask for an extension? If they deny an extension and only allow you stay on the wait list if you commit to the UG, when you have no intention of going to the UG without the BS/MD program, is this okay? What happens if the other school finds out about this? After all, the deposit is not for the BS/MD program (where there is no acceptance); itā€™s for the UG, and it is against the rules to have multiple deposits after 4/30.

Again, is it common for these programs to require a commitment to the UG with no commitment from them on BS/MD? This also seems unethical, since they must know that the existence of the BS/MD program is what attracts these kids in the first place, even at such wonderful institutions as Rice and Baylor!!! If they donā€™t freely grant extensions in cases like this, it seems like their unethical policies are inviting unethical responses from the applicants (i.e., forcing them to make an unconditional commitment they have no intention of keeping unless a contingency is met!).

If you do NOT commit to Rice undergrad, you are essentially forfeiting your Baylor waitlist.
Baylor requires you to accept Rice undergrad to be considered for the waitlist.

That is the process.

I do not know whether it is ethical for the institution to require that.

But there is no choice for you.
And there is nothing unethical on your part to accept the undergrad.

It is completely unfair of Rice to require students to deposit to the college in order to accept the wait list. It basically requires students to ā€œdouble depositā€ which is considered unethical. Some high schools will refuse to send end of year transcripts to more than one university. Some colleges reserve the right to rescind admission if they discover double depositing. I would, at the very least, talk to your high school guidance counselor to determine the schoolā€™s policy.

It is more of Baylor issue than Rice or combination of both schools. Many schools simply complete the BS/MD interview process by March itself and give offers and give deadline to accept or reject within 2 weeks or so. That enables the schools to extend offer to other wait listed students. Also whenever BS/MD programs is at 2 different institutions it is critical to complete the process early, like RPI/AMC or St_B/GW etc. In these lower ranked schools they extend the offer way ahead (If I remember correctly UPitt was the first acceptance with full tuition offer in end of Sep my D got).

But some of the top20 schools, extend UG offer way late, some time in April. Rice falls in this category. Then only Baylor schedules the interview and gives offer almost last week (right?) of April. It complicates the whole process.

Agree, it is best to extend the offer way early and clearly have a deadline to accept / reject by mid April. So that all wait list happens and by May 1st no more 2 choices for any one.

Wait for regular MD cycle, That is worst than this BS/MD process for many. It extends from May 1st to July 31st next year for few students (15 long months). Seen students applied in 1 cycle and even applied in 2nd cycle in June of next year, getting admission for first cycle in June. Because the finance package comes only after May 1st. This whole process needs simplification and better gate points.