Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

I did not say anything about “ignorance”, in fact consider myself to be highly knowledgeable and thoughtful. (That is the reason I said I could have answered many of these arguments, but choosing not to knowing well how futile the effort is)

No more comments on this.

Let’s focus on kids and their questions.

Also time for moderators to open a new thread for the next cycle.

Since I noticed many new comers are starting the thread (already 2 opened), few days back I asked @texaspg to open a new thread with the right title and he has done that already.

So any new folks who are starting the cycle for 2019-20 (2020 applicants) please use the following link.

@texaspg Please close this thread to avoid confusion.

Ignorance in Let it go sense. Isn’t that against argument that Asians in this country are highly intellectual? Also it is not about proving/disproving anyone right or wrong, just fair discussion and opinions about various aspects that spurs on thread. In a hindsight, a discussion may sound heated, but it is never personal to anyone, atleast I grew that thick skin on CC.
Few facts about Adversity factor (this is not same as affirmative action today).

  • [] It is piloted in 50 colleges admission process.
    ] Will be expand to 150 colleges in next admission cycle.
    [] In 2020, it will be available to all colleges and colleges are free to use in their admission decision making or not.
    ] there are certainly some concerns about its legitimacy and validity, like credit score, how do I know its incorrect if I don’t know the details of score?

Cheers everyone !!!

Everyone is an expert here and anyone who doesn’t agree with their argument is argumentative but they continue their argument in multiple threads. My participation is mainly to help those who are not 100% invested in BSMD and give balanced view rather than dump everything and go to any BSMD view and I will continue to “argue” for that and I have no financial interest the process.

Thanks @GoldenRock and @texaspg

if anyone interested, there is whole new thread for adversity factor that spanned to 11 pages in 2 days.


Requesting all who participated in this year’s BS/MD cycle: Please share your stats and perspectives on the results thread:

Hi, can anyone please explain the Upstate Accelerated Scholars program into SUNY Upstate’s College of Medicine? Are these only for NY residents? What are the pros and cons of each program? It’s very confusing.

@mygrad2021 They are open for all. It has agreements with many undergrad schools and some of the are not yet listed there (example: RIT). For some it may be advantage to be in NY for instate tuition for UG and also for med program. You can apply for many UG schools but SUNY Upstate does only one interview (see FAQ).

As I can see pro of this program is you have multiple shots as you can apply through many different UG schools. I think per agreement SUNY Albany and Purchase has 10 seats each and all others 1-5 seats each.

You can contact SUNY Upstate for details. Also each UG school you need to research by yourself.

If you’re denied admission to the medical school, does that affect your chances to get into the undergraduate school? In other words, if I were to apply to Northwestern HPME and was denied admission to the 7-year program, would my application for just the undergrad school be affected? Essentially, are the two applications (for the undergrad and BS/MD program) viewed separately?

@kelpjuce No one knows for sure. Correct, the application is separate for UG and HPME program.
But my personal take, NU and WashU, to protect their yield if they feel if the student is strong and has potential to get BS/MD some where else and not fit for their program, they don’t offer UG admission. I can not tell for sure.

@kelpjuce - I do believe NU plays yield protection game. NU is the only UG rejection my son got two years back after he applied for HPME and he didn’t indicate or contact admissions informing them that he is interested in UG without BSMD. May be letting them know early may help. For comparison he had UG admissions to 3 schools ranked higher than NU.

I see, they may assume you’re not interested in undergrad if you don’t get into the BS/MD program. How would I let them know after I have been denied admission, or would I state it somewhere in my actual application?

A while back, there’s a NU article describing the process and they said it’s viewed separately and independently. Also in that same article, a professor said he couldn’t really tell the difference between HPME and what not among his students.

I don’t see how being merely invited to an interview means anything regarding this. It’s not like NU is some lower tiered school. The HPME’s interview invitation is based on criteria that may not align with ug adcom. The difference between HPME interviewees and NU regular admit is probably nothing. The test score difference between HPME students and NU enrolled students is only 50 points now (that’s about the same difference between NU and Georgetown/USC and no one would say GT/USC plays yield protection if they reject a NU admit). If you assume the average of NU admitted pool is 20-30 points higher, you are talking about a difference of only 20-30 points between HPME students (HPME has about 80% yield so I assume there’s no difference between admitted and enrolled) and regular admit. That’s including the lower scores from athletes and students in specialty schools like music and communications. Don’t forget HPME reject with interview should have lower average test scores than HPME students. Unless you consistently see a pattern of HPY admits getting rejected by HPME and NU ug, you can’t really tell.

@bsmdseekerskg Boomer Sooner! Welcome to OU!

Thanks for your post in results thread. It is nice of you to thank parents.
You will not be disappointed. Dr. Tracey is a wonderful person and you can reach out to other MHSP students also for any inputs, though it is a very small group.

You can pm me if you have any questions or input. Do you know driving and/or plan to bring a car?
Even if not right away, at least some time later 2nd or 3rd semester. That will be useful since public transportation from Norman to OKC is not that great.

Wow. I leave for a little while and this thread goes nuts! I just want to thank everyone who posted in the results thread. It really is helpful. Seeing that others were accepted with similar (not perfect) scores like my daughters was instrumental in prompting us to undertake this difficult endeavor. So, if you haven’t already done so, please post there and help next years crop of scared kids and their parents.

Thank you @GoldenRock for all the guidance…and offer of help.

So I’m a rising junior in high school. And I had a quick question. I received a C my freshman year, first semester. Which dropped my gpa and it was in Spanish. I have taken multiple AP and honor classes and got A’s the following year and have a UW gpa of a 3.85.

Should I retake the course and get an A (gpa will go to 3.92) or should I just take spanish 4 and carry on in junior year?

I’m trying for bsmd and as you can see from my other threads I should be pretty competitive.


Just take Spanish 4 and carry on in junior year.