Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Thanks for posting in the results thread ! and congratulations. Hope others will follow suit and share theirs to give back in some way for all the useful stuff they received on this forum.
Think noticed a typo in the post since the sum of SAT sub scores add up to 1550.

Ok thanks! Also, I’m a little worried about my AP’s. I’m taking Comp Sci Principles (5 for sure), and next year AP Biology, AP Physics 1, AP USH, AP Micro. Is that fine? A lot of people are taking more, and I’m pretty sure my # is a fine and I also know I can get good scores.

@bearsfan21 Don’t look at what others are doing. It does not matter if they did 15 AP vs if you do only for 4 or 5.
Try to find what you enjoy most and how you excel and how you connect what you do with your interest in medical career. You need to balance and the same time need to stretch without impacting gpa.

To give an example, my D did not do AP USH. Though she loves history and majored in history in UG. The only reason is she found that AP in her school will take significant amount of time (extensive writing and many home works). But she had leadership roles in 2 clubs and other hard AP likes Chem and Stats etc was there and simply no time to balance.

@bearsfan21 I only submitted 3 APs, don’t worry, you’re fine!

Message me if you have any questions about the process. I’m two years into my program and have seen both sides of admissions.


Is SAT Bio required? I have already taken Math2 and Chem, do I need another subject test?

No not necessarily biology. It’s good if you get to take it but I personally think you should definitely take a subject test outside the sciences. I took Spanish and it helped me a lot.

My daughter is a rising Junior, she got offer as an intern which she has to go through school because of liabilities coverage. School recommended to get enrolled in Work based learning so that she can continue during school year and that is the only way they can provide coverage. She has to drop one of her AP classes to accommodate WBL. Is it a good option to go with WBL instead of an AP class. I know few kids who do it as senior but not aware of any as a Junior. Any suggestions please.

As long as the dropped AP isn’t one of the essentials (Bio, Chem, Calc etc) it should be fine

Thanks @bsmdseeker2019 for sharing your experiences in the results thread.

All 2019-2020 cycle students/ parents: A New thread has been created for you.

Please use the following link.

2 subject tests are ok in most cases.
Math + Chem is fine.


Requesting all who participated in this year’s BS/MD cycle: Please share your stats and perspectives on the results thread:

NU asks you during the application process if you would like to be considered for UG (if you do not get into HPME).
You need to respond to that question when asked and will determine your consideration for UG.

Also, if you are in the 2019-2020 cycle, suggest you ask your questions there.

Would someone please shine the light on why ZZZ / NJMS have different SAT/ACT/GPA min requirements to apply for the undergraduate schools? For example, NJIT/NJMS has a min requirement of 1490 SAT to apply, College of NJ/NJMS has a min requirement of 1500, and Stevens Institute of Technology/NJMS has a min requirement of 1400? Does this probably mean when NJMS review the applications, they are likely to accept a lot more of students from College of NJ and NJIT? What I am trying to figure out is if my son should even apply to any undergrad program with NJMS if he has a score of 1450 and 4.5 GPA.

@gradedu Doesn’t hurt to apply. The minimum requirements are set by the undergraduate school itself.

My son took Math and Bio. Does he need to take Chem? Thanks!

Depends on the school, but likely not. I would go on the website of the school he wants to apply and check on the requirements.