Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Thank you @redcloud17 . Keeping fingers crossed.

Anyone knows AMC interview format ? Thanks

@GoldenStateDad , Thanks for info reg AMC interview format


We called AMC a few weeks back and were told that the format consists of

  1. one 1:1 interview
  2. group interview where a small pool of BSMD candidates are interviewed together

@GoldenStateDad Thanks

anyone know what questions are asked for PSU?

Albany medical school website says it uses the MMI format. Is this different for the BSMD applicants?

Hello, My daughter is a Sophomore from Georgia and I recently found this valuable thread. Can’t thank enough everyone for such valuable information.My daughter is interested in BS/MD and I recently heard that the Augusta 7 year BS/MD program will be closed after this year, it is true. Also, which BS/MD programs would be good to apply in the near by states. Thanks in advance

Sorry all. I realized my question had been answered, but its too late to edit my post.


Yes, unfortunately more and more programs are closing down the 7 year accelerated programs (like UCSD, Miami, Neomed in the past couple of years) or extending the duration to 8 years like Drexel I don’t know about Augusta closing or anything for that matter about that program. Few new ones are opening like Rutgers/Robert Wood Johnson, but with very limited openings and instate preference.

You may want to explore UAB’s 8 years program, an excellent one, but with strong instate and regional preferences. You may be able to take advantage of regional residence. Also explore Florida programs, though it is my impression that they are not truly guaranteed. Does Georgia come under the regional jurisdiction of UMKC? Something you may want to explore too.

Folks, VCU interview invites are out. Good Luck!!

Did they send email?

@GoldenStateDad - Sorry, I don’t check CC that frequently now a days. Yes, as others already mentioned my son chose to go traditional path due to his UG admission outcomes. His target for BSMD was HPME but he didn’t get interview and once he got admissions to Penn, JHU and Vandy with their top scholarship he decided to decline RPI/AMC and BU. He did get $25K/yr at RPI but no scholarship at BU and we are full-pay. Main reason for rejecting AMC is the location and lack of ranking for AMC. We are also CA natives (NorCal) and he knows how competitive UCs are but still wants to take a chance. We were willing to pay full-price at BU but it was his decision. Another factor is he is tad younger (2000 born, but class of 2017) and felt no reason to do 7 year program.

so far no regrets about choosing Vandy over BU.

Yes, VCU sent emails.

@bsmdseeker2019 - I believe they have their initial list from Jan and Feb interviews and don’t think when interviewed in matters.

Thanks, @srk2017. Very interesting.

@GoldenStateDad - I know one girl (her dad was active in 2017 thread and we met at AMC interview), who declined HPME, Brown, BU etc
 and attending Stanford even though dad’s choice was HPME. I advised dad to let the girl decide :slight_smile:

If we did not receive an email, do we assume we’re rejected?

Has anyone received an email from VCU about interview or rejection?

At last D got her first interview for VCU very happy for her.Dates are jan 29 and feb 5,6,7.Best of luck to all the applicants waiting.64 applicants were invited .