Thread for BSMD Applicants 2019

Well, no right or wrong choice in deciding what to do, depends on the perspective of the students.
D knows couple of students, one 2 years senior and another junior by one year, who chose BU SMED over Stanford since they were pretty much clear on their career path and happy with the med school they were going to attend.

@whitecane when did you receive email

Yes she received an email.


I can see Stanford thing. To avoid such a situation where he may have to choose between Stanford vs BSMD, my DS did not apply to any UG (except UC’s and Harvard) :slight_smile:
Harvard, he applied as the number of prompts were minimal and was an easy app, .just wanted to see where he stands.

Yes, it comes down kids preference and please let kids decide :slight_smile: Lot of kids reject Vandy scholarships and opt for full pay at Ivies but he felt Penn or JHU are not worth $200K more than Vandy and he also got the research he wanted during his visit.

A stated earlier, VCU is going to be an MMI format. Four interview days with 16 students on each day.

My DS got rejected from AMC but got an interview invite from VCU… both on the same day…

Does VCU send out all interview emails at the same time? Do they send rejection emails ?

@hoop897 Congrats on VCU.

Regarding AMC - is it RPI/AMC or Union/AMC, when did you submit supplements?

Thx…RPI/AMC submitted on 12/21…

@hoop897 , you received email from VCU today, this afternoon?

@GoldenStateDad - Smart thinking :slight_smile:

today around 11.00 am (PT)

@rk2017 Thank you very much. We will look into UAB’s 8 year program. I doubt if we come under regional jurisdiction of UMKC. Also.does visiting these schools and showing interest will help in anyway.

@Smilescreen The primary benefit of visiting schools, in my view, is that we may be able to get subtle information about the program and the campus, which may help in writing tailored essays.

Reg VCU, some of you asked if they send rejection emails.

Based on what I am seeing (my personal opinion only, do not take it as official), VCU is trying to finalize all 64 spots for interviews spanning across 4 days by end of this week. If one does not receive an invite by tomorrow (Thursday), it is very likely that he/she may not be in the initial 64 shortlisted.

On a different note, what I see as a possible hope is that if any of the 64 shortlisted withdraw from the interview, VCU might (again a big guess here) send the additional invites to others as appropriate.

Good luck!

@GoldenStateDad Is VCU giving an option to choose a day out of 4 ?


Yes, One has to give his/her preference (most preferred to least preferred) and VCU will confirm the final date (on a first come first basis).

My D got rejected in AMC today, nothing from VCU yet. When she got in VCU honors we didn’t receive the e-mail, is that normal?

My daughter got VCU interview today. Does anyone know how many they usually pick out of 64 people they are interviewing.