<p>I would like to apologize for not fully explaining what my purpose was for the previous topic I made, so I am going to redo it now, and explain myself and elaborate a little bit.</p>
<p>Hello parents of CC. I am Poseidenj, as you can clearly see. I'm a senior, and am currently myself going through the college application process. Recently I've been thinking alot about the parents' role in the college application process, because how those parents raise their child can affect their application process much later in their life. I got into a debate with some friends about the parents role throughout their childrens' life, and how it correlates into that child's application process. </p>
<p>There were alot of different opinions, including but not limited to "If the parent wants their kid to thank them later because they got into a top school, parents should activley stimulate their child by making them do activities", "Parents should not force their child to do anything, but let them find their own course", "Parents should make their kids try an instrument, sports, etc, at least once, and see if they like them", and many, many more. So, all the different opinions that came from some friends showed me just how different alot of parents could be, some like the way their parents handled things, others hated them. So, from this, I am taking up a personal research project which I plan to show later to a select audience. All submissions will be anonymous.</p>
<p>My question to all of you is ** Have you ever made your child do something early on in their life, which would later impact them in some way for college admissions? **. I am not talking about making them get immunization shots, or clean up their room, but for instance making them learn their culture's language from a young age, go to language school on the weekend, make them volunteer, play a sport consistantly, taking up an instrument early on, etc, etc, anything which your child could list as an EC later on. So yes, this includes religious youth groups.</p>
<p>In addition from that question.</p>
<li><p>Did you make your child do an activity up to a certain time/age, then let them decide if they wanted to quit on their own.</p></li>
<li><p>Did you ever talk to your child about highschool/college, even if you thought they were too young to learn about it?</p></li>
<li><p>Do you think it's the parents role to help their child find activities which interest them, and follow through and stick with those, so they may later excel in them?</p></li>
<li><p>Did you physically and mentally stimulate your children from a young age?</p></li>
<li><p>When your child was of a certain age (15), did you make them to anything relating to school? Take part in an activity, SAT prep, college research, etc.</p></li>
<li><p>Did you ever travel with your kids? Was it for a stimulation purpose, or was stimulation accomplished? Was it to learn about anything? Do you think it was beneficial?</p></li>
<p>And then ultimatley, what role do you think the parents plays in the life of a child up until the college process? Are you happy with the role you played? What do you think is the "good" parenting style?</p>
<p>Answer as many as you wish! Thank you again for all of your help!</p>