<p>my tutor/teacher forced my to buy the ti-89 calculator . I am currently attaining a 720 on the math section ,but he says i can easily boost it up because of the calculator. The learning curve is very steep though and i just dont seem to get it. My old calculator was ti 84 plus. anybody know any good resources for the calculator that is specific to the SAT? im looking for websites or maybe a book or too.</p>
<p>The calculator itself doesn't help you that much on the SAT. You just have to know the concepts and patterns that will be on the test and then just practice a lot. You really only need to use simple functions on the calculator anyway. The higher tech functions on the TI 89 will not necessarily help you as you probably will not need to use many of the aspects on the calculator and you may not have enough time. I used a TI 83 on the SAT and I got an 800. I would suggest making a couple of programs to help you find slope, distance, and quadratic formula.</p>
<p>The best thing I did was skim the instruction manual that came with it. A lot of the functions are self-explanatory. If you want something more organized but still quick and easy just buy the TI-89 for Dummies book.</p>
<p>The only functions you'll need on SAT are the algebraic functions. Hit F2 while in Home mode, and you'll be presented with a list of options to help you factor and expand functions, and even solve for a variable =)</p>
<p>Although if the learning curve is seriously too steep, and you spend more time fumbling around with the calculator than thinking about the math problems, it'll probably be more detrimental to you than helpful. When are you retaking your SATs? If you really want to use the 89, stop using your 84 for anything - pretend it doesn't exist, and don't mentally compare the two ("Oh, I wonder where the function is to do so-and-so in the 89 like with the 84"). I had been using 83+ until 9th grade, and then I got an 89. Didn't take me long to adjust because I forced myself to think of it in a new light.</p>