Time for another thread for B and C students

Ok, we’re a week and a half into college.

And she ADORES Plymouth State. LOVES it, LOVES it, LOVES it!

It was absolutely the right choice for her, at least so far!!!

My B/C kids are happily applying to Plymouth State, Cabrini, Marymount (VA), Flagler, Curry, Southern New Hampshire, Keene, University of New England, Moravian, Merrimack, Stetson, WestConn, Springfield, Westfield State, and Endicott. (Some of those will be reach schools.)

While you’re visiting Cabrini, also take a look at Neumann-- it’s about half an hour away and my son LOVED his freshman year there! (He moved home to join the local fire department, not because of any issue with Neumann.)

@janjmom DS19 is also applying to Flagler . Have you visited . We did if you have any questions.

Thank you, @carolinamom2boys. Yes, we have visited Flagler. It’s certainly beautiful and unique!

I was extremely impressed with the faculty and how accommodating they were with my family.

Susquehanna is a good 4-year college for students who like to learn even if they don’t always get top grades - for instace, who get mostly Bs, B-s and B+'s, with some C/C+'s and some A’s into the mix, with good rigor (22 academic classes expected, including 4 in each of the 5 core subjects, some honors expected. Rigor and weighted GPA are the most important factors in the decision.) Test scores 1100+ but if below 1050 don’t submit and compensate with rigor ( a couple APs). Good merit. Good business school. Honors program by invitation but you can apply justifying your wish to join, mostly enrichment (speakers, films, housing, trips, leadership and research opportunities, plus one special seminar per semester) since classes are typically small already.
Free to apply, EA deadline Nov.15. 68% applicants get in and they have a 4-year graduation rate of 70% which is terrific for this type of school.
Male applicants get a boost, Asians are URM and have a serious hook.

@janjmom @carolinamom2boys : what is Flagler’s “vibe”, in your opinion?

Hi! New here and I seem to be having trouble posting. I thought I posted a comment on Friday, but it doesn’t seem to be on the thread. Is there a character limit? Maybe tried to put too much in one comment? Any help would be appreciated! Thx

@MYOS1634 I would say Flagler still feels a little conservative (administration) so very left-leaning, social justice warriors might not find their people, but the student body is dragging the administration (kicking and screaming) into the modern age, pushing for coed dorms (there is one) and the removal of parietals. Men get a big boost in admissions because the school is still predominantly female. Campus is beautiful and students take advantage of the beach and the warm weather. It’s technically a dry campus, so students tend to rent in town early (but St. Augustine isn’t that big and off-campus housing is often located within a few blocks from campus). It’s not a party school (but some students do party!). They have an honor pledge. Surprisingly, 52% of students come from out of state. International population is small (6%?) but growing. Cost to attend is low. And they just went test optional. Student panel said three words that best describe the Flagler student are dynamic, unique, and “renaissance people.” One student said, “This is a school for people who want to do more than one thing at a time.”

@janjmom : Really interesting. I didn’t know what to make of Parietals at a non religious school, or dorms being in a former grand hotel, and while it’s clearly neither NCF nor Florida Southern, I had trouble pinpoint vibe. So, that’s super useful. THANKS! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

My DS19 LOVED it. The student body all seemed invested and loved their school. Faculty and administration seemed to truly care about their students . DS19 is interested in their Graphic Design program, but on the day of the tour the art building was being renovated. When I spoke to admissions and let them know that we were from OOS and had hoped to tour the department, she immediately found one of the student ambassadors who was a Graphic Design major to give us and a family from Colorado a private tour of the building that lasted over an hr. There seems to be a strong connection to the community . It’s number 2 on his list .

@NYmom1619 Go to your profile page and see if there is a draft that you didn’t post. Is it possible that you posted it on a different thread?

@carolinamom2boys : thank you very much. Very useful. :slight_smile:

@carolinamom2boys: When I attempted to post my first reply I saw a quick pop up box saying the post was being “reviewed” for some reason, which I forget now. LOL! guess I screwed something up. I’ll try again.

@NYmom1619 when that’s happened to me, it’s either because I’ve had a typo that spelled out a word not allowed or because I didn’t realize a link I included was a blog.

@bjkmom, I think I am going to borrow that phrase “Scarlett O’Hara complex” - both of my sons are constantly saying “Can we talk about it later?” to anything from college, to packing your school supplies to clothes shopping…

Glad to hear your daughter loves her school - we might have to add that one to the look into list.

Total delay from previous post, but trying again. :wink:
Ok, my S has a C+ (79) average and his SATs are 1030 (500/530). He has a few Honors classes, but no A/Ps. Math/Science classes are Cs, 1D and 1F. His English/SS classes are A/Bs. He is taking a few classes (Econ/Psych) this year with the local CC in NY. His activity list is strong with sports and volunteer. Below are the lists of schools we are considering. A few are obvious reaches, but I would like any feedback from parents with kiddos with similar stats. I wish I knew back in Freshmen year what I know now, and I would have put him in more appropriate Math/Science classes instead of going for Advanced Regents Diploma, which killed his GPA.

Catholic U
U of Delaware
Monmouth U
Sacred Heart
U of Scranton
Roger Williams
SUNY Oneonta
SUNY Brockport
St. Anselm
St. Johns U

Any college suggestions would be appreicated! We are willing to go as far south as DC/MD and over to OH, if school is good fit.

@nymom1619 my S17 had a very similar GPA and slightly higher SAT (1200 I think?), no honors or APs, very heavy to the sports activities. He got in everywhere he applied - none of your list but I think Monmouth will be a definite yes, and most like Roger Williams.
Not sure what he’s looking for but Lycoming in PA is a great, small LAC with a heavy sports vibe. I also loved Castleton in VT. If you’re in NY, it will probably be pretty affordable. It’s small and rural, but a public with a deal for NY residents if I remember correctly. Again, heavy sports scene for a small school. We also like Millersville in PA ( a public).

Seconding Lycoming and Castleton, - adding Lebanon Valley, Mansfield, Millersville, Bloomsburg, Otterbein, Trine, Capital OH, and for a reachable reach, Elizabethtown (very affordable and supportive).

@NYmom1619 If going up to SUNY Brockport, maybe look at Oswego State. Beautiful campus in the shores of Lake Ontario with new science building and many other building upgrades. Good school for B/C students. Agree with Clarke and St Anselm and maybe add Merrimack College in MA.