Time Management

I’m in my junior year of high school now, and I’m suddenly always crunched on time now.

For some stupid reason my school only allows juniors and seniors to take AP Classes. So, now that I’m a junior, I’m finally able to take them, so I started with AP Physics-B and AP LangComp. I decided not to take AP US History because of how tedious I’ve heard it is, and was not able to take AP Calculus because I hadn’t taken trigonometry yet (but I’m in regular calculus).

I also got a part-time job just before the school year, so that’s a big commitment, too.

See, my first couple of years of high school were easy. My only B was in 3-D Art, which I was placed in against my will (I legit had an 89.4). I never had any homework – my teachers never gave any.

Now, suddenly, EVERY CLASS gives me homework, EVERY DAY. As soon as I get home after cross country (oh which by the way is another commitment) I do homework for at least 90 minutes straight. I don’t know how much homework you guys are used to, but for me, that’s a lot.

So I’m balancing school, a part-time job, cross country & track, and having personal time to go out with my friends and such. It’s a jarring transition. Last year when I got home all I did was watch One Piece or play TF2 with my friends. Now, watching TV or playing video games doesn’t even cross my mind anymore.

On the bright side, it’s good preparation for college, having to manage time and whatnot.


90 minutes is not a lot of homework. It might seem like a lot if you aren’t used to getting homework, but that’s a pretty reasonable amount to have.
But, if you think that you need more time, drop the part-time job. Maybe you could ask for unpaid leave during cross country and track season.

In college, the ratio is three hours of study for every hour of class time. Taking a full load of classes with three hours study per hour of class adds up to working full time. The first time issue in college is balancing course load with difficult or time consuming classes. Unless you are an extremely proficient reader, don’t combine history, literature, and psychology for example. Get yourself up, dressed, fed and out to school on time and without re indeed. An early time management goal. All most everything you do has a time cost that is part of ordering priorities and making schedules. Start looking into time management.