<p>I am an international and I am not that familiar with Stanford's time. Can anyone say how long will it take before the decisions will be posted online??</p>
<p>I am an international and I am not that familiar with Stanford's time. Can anyone say how long will it take before the decisions will be posted online??</p>
<p>It's 3:04 AM here 20 minutes from Stanford. So the decisions will be out in just less than 12 hours from now. <em>beep</em></p>
<p>Does anybody have the online countdown clock thing?</p>
<p>5 and a half hours..approx</p>
<p>Really? Decisions are 3pm Pacific time. Right now it's only 7:30 am Pacific, 10:30 am Eastern. That means we've got 7 1/2 hours to go till 6pm Eastern.</p>
<p>these two missing hours can create a headache... they will determine whether i see the decisions today or tomorrow!!!</p>
<p>No hours are missing you silly goose :) It's 7:39 Pacific time now, and decisions will be posted at 3 Pacific. That's a difference of 7 hours and some minutes.</p>
<p>thanks, you are very intelligent.. i am enlightened.</p>
<p>Lol you're very intelligent yourself--but this countdown stress really impairs all of our minds :)</p>
<p>it impairs but mine has already been impaired...stanford's my last hope, and it's my best hope.!!.</p>
<p>good luck to everyone!</p>
<p>Less than five hours left! :D</p>
<p>4hr 40 min</p>
<p>Good luck you guys too! like davincicodes, stanford is also my last hope. A round of rejections and one waitlist yesterday has seriously killed my mood and hopes. So...sigh...</p>
<p>4 hours 37 minutes! Rotor_bird, I'm in exactly the same position:</p>
A round of rejections and one waitlist yesterday has seriously killed my mood and hopes. So...sigh...
<p>EXACTLY the same results. Best of luck for both of us to get into Stanford. It's the best place ever anyway :)</p>
<p>good luck to everyone. I hope 4 nothing but the best. Stanford is my last chance. Please, make me the happiest person in the world!</p>
<p>So excited for Stanford! 4 hours 17 minutes!</p>
<p>Ah, the craziest day of the year on CC. Though in terms of concentrated craziness, I still think today has nothing on the day USAMO qualifiers come out on Art of Problem Solving.</p>
<p>Good luck, everyone.</p>
<p>Psh, USAMO. Yay Stanford in 3 hours and 12 minutes!</p>