
<p>...can be a depressing thing. I was just watching a movie on tv that I first saw in theaters (Holes :)) and realized it had been five whole years since that movie came out! Sometimes I find myself to be an overly-reflective person. I have trouble letting go of past mistakes (of which there are plenty) and commonly find myself depressed that I've blown my shot at some opportunities (I've alienated my college choices ALOT). I think a time machine is overdue. Perhaps this song best sums up my feelings:</p>

<p>YouTube</a> - Pink Floyd-Time</p>

<p>Good song.</p>

<p>Anyone else on these forums tend to dwell in the past and what you could've/should've/would've done?</p>

<p>Wow, it has been 5 years since Holes came out? It didn’t really seem that long ago to me, though. I loved the movies and the book. </p>

<p>I know what you mean about the trouble letting go of the past. I have the same feeling, too. I hate it when I realize that I have let go some of the opportunities in the past. But seriously, I think everyone has done this before, and so I just force myself to forget about it.</p>

<p>hahahaha i just watched it on the Disney channel!!!
and now im watching Hannah Montana!!!

<p>I want to watch Twilight.</p>

<p>I just watched Holes too. It shows how well Disney Channel hooks people in, even for a couple of hours. (I hate that channel, but love Holes.)</p>

<p>I know what you mean though. I was thinking about it that other day…
I miss the 90’s.
Back when who had lunchables defined who the “popular” kid was.
When slap bracelets were cool, and all anyone wanted for Christmas was a Furby. </p>

<p>Wow, sounds like a college admissions essay in the making.</p>

<p>“Got sand in my shoes, my name is caveman”</p>

<p>That’s all I remember of the horrendous rap song at the end. </p>

<p>And I havn’t heard it in five years!</p>

<p>I remember the weirdest things.</p>

<p>Am I the only person who feels that Holes came out forever ago?</p>

<p>I always wanted lunchables, but my parents wouldn’t get them for me because they said you were paying for packaging.</p>

<p>^ I actually got them fairly often because that way my mom didn’t have to pack me a lunch and a breakfast sinc eI wen tot a private daycare early in the mornings and they wanted all the kids to have breakfast. Saved time.</p>

<p>lol, I too was watching holes on Disney channel today; it’s one of my favorite movies.

I couldn’t agree more.</p>

<p>LOOOOOOOOOOOVE pink floyd’s “time”. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G song</p>

<p>i cant believe its been 5 years since holes</p>

<p>it’s been 6 years since the Lakers won a championship :(</p>

<p>This year is Dynasty year for the lakers. It will be 08-09, 09-10, 11-12 3 ring back to back to back champs again.</p>