Timing of Likely letters

<p>Does anyone know the timing of likely letters at UVA. For example, if D applied ED to UVA and was deferred, do likely letters go to deferrals in time for receipt (ie. Feb 1) before the deferrals have to decide whether to apply ED2 elsewhere?</p>

<p>This doesn't make any sense</p>

<p>Sure it does. For example, if D applies ED to UVA and gets deferred on 12/1, she has until 3/1 to change her RD application to, let's say, Colgate to ED2. If she received a likley letter from UVA after deferral but before 3/1, it would impact her decision to choose to convert her RD appllication to Colgate to an ED2 application. That's why I am inquiring about the timing of likely letters.</p>

<p>Why would someone who is deferred get a likely letter unless UVA severely screwed up?</p>

<p>If your daughter gets deferred, she surely will not get a likely letter. It's as simple as that.</p>

<p>Perhaps--but the whole process seems a little screwy to me if we take as a given that the ED pool is weaker than the RD pool and people get deferred from the ED pool and then get accepted RD.</p>

<p>That's just a circumstance of the process. Sometimes borderline applicants are deferred and then admitted. Top applicants, the type who receive likely letters, are not deferred, unless it's a unique case like a posted on this board who did not have her SAT scores in on time.</p>

<p>I don't know about Colgate, but I know that Tufts and WashU have their ED2 deadline 1/1</p>

<p>so you have to immidiately make your RD app become ED2 (in like 15 days).</p>

<p>also, ED2 is more for ivy league/top LAC/other ubercompetitive school applicants. If you don't get into UVA ED, your chances in most other ED2 schools should be about equally the same</p>