Tips on making a well balanced schedule?

<p>I'm an incoming freshman and I'm trying to figure out some classes I want to take for the first semester. My major is biological sciences and I'm in CALS. I was wondering if anyone had any tips, suggestions, favorite classes, warnings, etc. about making a schedule for my specific major or in general? Thanks!</p>

<p>Dont’ go overboard your first semester. There is A LOT going on your first year (both academically and otherwise). I’m sure there are tons of classes you want to take, but really limit yourself to 3-4.</p>

<p>Definitely don’t overload yourself first semester. Remember you’re going to have to take a writing seminar. Try to take one that either 1) sounds interesting or 2) also fulfills another requirement for graduation.<br>
Find yourself a fun PE too. Something that takes the stress off and teaches you something new.<br>
I was an animal science major, bio minor in CALS. Some of my favorite classes were Dr. Hudler’s Magical Mushrooms Mischievous Molds and Irby Lovette’s Evolution class (I took the writing in the majors option)</p>

<p>to do the bio major in a timely fashion, I would suggest starting right off with an intro bio course, general chemistry, calculus, a writing seminar, and a PE. that gives you a good foundation and also gives you a chance to see how much you actually like biology while there’s still time for you to change your plans.</p>

<p>I agree that Evolutionary Biology is a great course, and writing in the majors was an excellent experience. I would suggest taking that one pretty early on, since thinking about all biology through the lens of evolution is so useful.</p>