Tired of the "look"

<p>Oh my Malanai, that is clever. We fall into that category, no, we don’t get to give the look. My son has taken some heat around here in northern Illinois, why not go to U of I, Wisconsin, Michigan etc?? I remind him that if you mentioned those same schools in Texas, Alabama, etc., folks would have no idea that those schools are a big deal. It’s a regional thing. If you ask me, our kids are lucky as heck to get into Alabama during this particular time in the school’s history. It’s a great school, building on becoming greater…a really great deal, even for those of us having to pay full price. That said, crossing our fingers for some sort of good scholarship news next month, anything would be appreciated!</p>

<p>Just lookin’…and FWIW, I’ve given this thread a good look (as in thorough): Has anyone else noticed how the person in charge of this forum/CC has apparently misquoted the original poster (jm2817) in its Hot Topics! Featured Discussions section with this same thread title? I don’t believe OP said “We’re an affluent family…”, for example, but did state they live in an affluent suburb. OP also did not say “as if his decision is blasphemy”.</p>

<p>Some perspective from a current high school senior: </p>

<p>I applied to Bama somewhat on a whim. My older brother goes there and I knew they had rolling acceptance, so I thought why not? I really started to consider it once I received a full scholarship. I plan on going to graduate school (business/law), so saving money for that is a huge priority. </p>

<p>Being valedictorian of a class of 630, I get “the look” from my peers on a daily basis when I say that I’m strongly considering Bama. Most of these people will either go to UF, FSU, or UCF. My high school is the top contributor to UF in the state. There’s no way I’m going to high school part II for the next four years. I want to go out of state, but can’t afford to pay much. A few will pay a ridiculous amount to go to their reach school if they get in. </p>

<p>Granted, I’m still waiting to hear from most of my schools (23 total!), and I will consider any one of them if the price is right :slight_smile: Right now, Bama is my most likely option, and a great one!</p>

<p>Rapunzel, my son was the same way. We are from MAryland. He applied to Alabama in August 2011, just to have a “bird in hand”. To make the rest of the process less stressful, and know that he would ultimately have “somewhere” to go if nothing else panned out. </p>

<p>He ended up being one and done. When he researched Alabama, decided that he did not need to know if he would be accepted at the school he had dreamed of going to for 6 years. Because the cost would mean waiting on grad school. And huge debt. Not worth it to him. He made a smart financial and scholastic decision. </p>

<p>He has no regrets at this time. </p>

<p>And as a first year CS student at Alabama, has already had a few summer internship interviews. In Maryland/DC.</p>

<p>My daughter did not apply to Bama; however, when all of her decisions were in and she decided to go to Pitt, we got the same thing. Her college counselor told her that her classmates would think it was odd that she would choose Pitt over Georgetown and UChicago.</p>

<p>In our neighborhood, people are envious that we are not paying tuition. That feels pretty good.</p>

<p>aeromom, Very interesting observation. Why would someone put such? As you stated, the OP only said they lived in an “affluent area” and did not say anything about being an “affluent family”. WOW! Someone needs to look into enrolling in one of the highly ranked schools on CC to learn how to properly quote another.</p>

<p>“What? You make just as much as me but you graduated debt-free? And you loved Alabama? Noooooooooo!!!” </p>

<p><a href=“http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6042/6259646764_ff031ce0b3_z.jpg[/url]”>http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6042/6259646764_ff031ce0b3_z.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I don’t have a child at Alabama, but I do have one at a small southern LAC that is unheard of in our area (hey, at least people know Alabama from its football team!). In addition to the look, I wish I could convey in words the sound that comes with it. It’s not quite what would come out after sniffing a dirty sock, but more like the reaction to looking at a weird exotic fruit and grimacing while breathing in its unusual aroma.</p>

<p>My son is on a full tuition scholarship, and in these situations I almost wish he wasn’t. Because when I tell people, it all suddenly makes sense–“oh, THAT’S why he’s not at (snooty school in the northeast/midwest/west coast).” In other words, they are allowed to keep believing his choice is inferior on academic/cultural/other grounds. Which it isn’t. </p>

<p>I thank CC–especially the enthusiastic parents here–for helping me become aware of Alabama. If perchance they offered a dance scholarship I would consider it for my younger child.</p>

<p>I thank CC–especially the enthusiastic parents here–for helping me become aware of Alabama. If perchance they offered a dance scholarship I would consider it for my younger child.</p>

<p>Bama does offer Talent scholarships. Don’t know about dance particularly, but it might.</p>

<p>I hadn’t noticed the inaccurate summary of my original post. We are definitely not affluent with our tiny house and older cars. We are in an affluent area overall though. </p>

<p>Hope whoever misquoted me makes that correction.</p>

<p>All - I get the look and get the questions quite often when I tell them that my D will attend UA in the Fall. We get even stranger looks because we live in Georgia where the Zell Miller Scholarship pays for tuition. I clarify to those negative people that she did get accepted by Georgia Tech, Auburn and UGA. But she chose to go to UA and she feels at home there. I also tell them that it is her education and she has worked very hard earn her excellent grades and 4.0 GPA. She deserves to be able to chose what is best for her. UA is it. Roll Tide.</p>

<p>I would say…let your son go to wherever he feels happiest, fits in, and can reach his full potential as a student. Those other people will not matter in a few years, so I say, do what makes him happy (if it’s affordable)!</p>

<p>OP, apologies, you won’t get “the look” from me, now.
Malanai, nice! Yep, under those circumstances, I must give myself “the look.”
I’m overly jealous of VA Public Universities.</p>

<p>Maybe we should come up with some silly responses to “the look,” such as:</p>

<p>Well, my child always wanted to major in Crimson Tide Football, and therefore Bama is the only school that offers:</p>

<p>The Rise of Saban Nation
Crystal Aquisitions
History of The Bear
Process & Statistics
Smart Schemes</p>

<p>My favorite remains the one utilized by someone in the CC family (sorry, can’t recall who): “Because that’s where Forrest Gump went to school.” :)</p>

<p>I have never once gotten “the look,” nor has anyone questioned my D’s choice. Do you think I should feel insulted?</p>

<p>^^^Nah. You apparently hang out with the intelligentsia. :)</p>

<p>Many times when I tell people my son received a very nice scholarship, I’m immediately asked “does he play football?”. Do others get this as well?</p>

<p>Yes. I tell them he’s the only white cornerback in the SEC.</p>

<p>I’ve been asked that too since DS is 6’4" solid kid. DS has a huge spare tire cover with the giant Bama “A” on it on the rear of his jeep. When son was pulled over by Police for a routine traffic stop the Trooper asked if he went to Alabama. When son exited the car and trooper saw his size, he said let me guess football scholarship and proceeded to go on a rant about how great Bama football was. Son just went with the flow since he was now convinced that there was no way he was getting a summons after this. That and proof that both his parents were Police as well…LOL</p>