Tired of the "look"

<p>^^ trust us, we totally accept Bama for what it is. We accept its awesome academics, advising, sports, Greek system, clubs, friendly atmosphere, amazing housing, weather, beautiful campus, and the never ending list of awesomeness that is UA. Now all of you who don’t know what you’re talking about can go away. </p>


<p>^^too bad that outside of a 10 mile radius of Tuscaloosa, no one has heard of it or repects it. People are right to give you the ‘look’</p>

<p>^^That’s just ignorant.</p>

<p>Karen-that may be the most idiotic of your posts yet, which in itself is quite a feat. Do your research. Please, only Karen respond: what was the enrollment percentage of OOS this year? I’m certain that every one of those states represented is more than 10 miles away from Tuscaloosa in any direction.</p>



<p>I give you Exhibit A: Ignorance expressed by someone who self-reports that she has an SAT score of 2220, an ACT score of 34, and a 3.93W gpa. </p>

<p>Let’s start with the basics. Professional sports teams are “based around athletics,” not universities. Run through the two pages of accreditations that the University of Alabama currently holds: <a href=“http://oira.ua.edu/d/sites/all/files/factbook_current_pdfs/Section1_accreditation.pdf[/url]”>http://oira.ua.edu/d/sites/all/files/factbook_current_pdfs/Section1_accreditation.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>News flash: You can’t earn these if your university is based on athletics.</p>

<p>Moving on to the college experience, it begins with…surprise! Education. Go get some, aeisrael. </p>

<p>Now, if UA WAS based on athletics and the quote-unquote ‘college experience,’ which I assume is in quotes as a form of irony punctuation, there would be something seriously wrong with that. How did you get that one wrong? Or were you just trying to be patronizing?</p>

<p>You’re out of your depth here, aeisrael, but just accept it for what it is. You’re young and you’ll learn. Nothing wrong with that. Roll Tide.</p>



<p>Uh-oh, you know what that means? Either karen’s in the neighborhood or she just invalidated her own argument. Oopsy! ;)</p>

<p>@asauamom - I was kind of hoping karen would stop posting on this thread…</p>

<p>Where did all of these dreadful people come from? Bama must be getting under
their skin. How dare all of these top students choose Bama?</p>

<p>^^^True. Sorry. However, since “it” can’t help itself from posting on the AWESOME BAMA forum. At least, I was trying to provide a lifeline for “it” to make one factual post. Oh well, trolls ■■■■■, hence the “it”.
ps If “it” had one ounce of dignity, it would tuck it’s mangey little tail and run like Hell.</p>

<p>Amen, Atlanta68. I hope more and more people start to really look at what our national reverence for HYP has led us to. It’s not all rosy.</p>

<p>Ten mile radius? I can see the Pacific Ocean from my bedroom window. Roll Tide.</p>



<p>They hail from a phantasmagorical land called . . . Pretensia. ;)</p>

<p>I’d really love to know how a 20 year old student really knows that a UA grad will not get a great job on “Wall Street”???<br>
Cough up some qualifications please.</p>

<p>As for “no one outside of 10 miles” knows of UA:
How about these fine folks:
Mohammad Atual Karim
Jimmy Wales
Louis Rosen
Robert Van de Graaff
Howell Raines
Michael Vickers
Lino Gutierrez
Marvin Mann
Janet Gurwitch
Samuel DePiazzo (hmmm, no Wall Street UA grads, HA)
Winton Blount
Robert M. Lightfoot Jr
Abdurrahim El-Kieb</p>

<p>This is the very short list. If Karen and her kind need more I’m sure plenty of us can give more.</p>



<p>When will you people stop inferring that an accounting firm is a wall street firm? They couldn’t be more different. Goldman Sachs is NOT PWC. As for the other names in this list? Never heard of any of them.</p>

<p>OK, I googled one of them just to see what the deal was, and Mr. el-Kieb teaches at Alabama, but has no degree from Alabama


<p>The “look” is reserved for those claiming undeserved pretension and merit, and calling E-Kieb an Alabama product is precisely an example of such posturing. It is, of course, only mildly helpful to know that people who teach at Alabama get their degrees elsewhere (as is the case in most universities, I believe).</p>

<p>Somebody give Karen a big hug already or at least give us the name of who took your lunch money so we can get it back for you. Either way lets move on. It’s to the point of being pathetic now.</p>

<p>^^ I agree. Stop with the egregious posturing.</p>

<p>We are getting other posters because this thread is in the “Featured Discussion” on CC’s main page. I know I was wondering too.</p>

<p>Karen dear, please stop embarrassing yourself. If you don’t like UA it’s fine with all of us who love it. Your criticism and inacuarate comments only make UA look better, not that it needed help in the first place. ;)</p>

<p>karen, why so angry when you are only 20 years old? What did Alabama do to you? Hopefully you will learn someday that you can attract more bees with honey than with vinegar. I am not a southerner, but the graciousness people are showing you is a wonderful southern trait that we can all emulate.</p>

<p>The way I see it is there are those who do their research and there are those who don’t…would you say people outside of a 10 mile radius have never heard of Indiana University (83)? Drexel (83)? North Carolina State (106)? U of TN, U of NE, U of OK (101)? how about maybe Marquette (83)? or U Mass (97)? or Clemson (68)? not that the US News and World report is all that but these are their rankings on these schools that you have probably “heard of” U Alabama was ranked 77…if you really care…</p>

<p>Oh and a few people maybe you have heard of Selma Ward, Kathryn Stockett, Harper Lee, Joe Scarborough, Marillyn Hewson?</p>

<p>And one last thing ever heard of Steely Dan? well he wrote a song a few years back about the Crimson Tide and there has even been a movie made called Crimson Tide…so I think more people have heard of the University of Alabama than you are aware of…</p>

<p>I hope you don’t mind us sharing a little of our knowledge with you :)</p>