To ALL Cal Poly Applicants...again

As my son winds down his time at Cal Poly, I’m reminded of, and still in agreement with something he said during Parent’s Weekend his first year. I asked if he felt Cal Poly was the perfect fit now that he’d been there for a bit. His response, “I like it here a lot, but I’m sure I would have been fine at any of the schools I applied to.”

In keeping with that theme, @CopperlineX2 reminded me of a post I made in 2016. It has since been closed, so I copy and pasted it here. It’s worth your time to dig through the Inception post within a post within a post. Enjoy! :smiley:

Here it is:

The link below was posted by @collgbrwsr and I don’t want it to get lost in the long thread. Plus, there’s some info I want to add.

The gist is that it’s more about what you do than where you go. There’s plenty of evidence to support that notion, notably, 80% of graduates surveyed say they were very happy with their school no matter where it fit on their list, even if it was last place.

Society and rankings have painted a picture that there is a single just perfect school. Anyone who’s been through it though can tell you, no school is perfect and lots will actually be suitable as long as…you make the most…out of your opportunities.

So, neither a CP acceptance or rejection will define your life. What you do where ever you go will.

Here’s the post in its entirety:

Today at 1:23 pm
Congrats to all who have been accepted, and best wishes to those still waiting! I’m assuming that none of you have just applied to one school, and one school only (who does that?) so I am sure you will all have great choices. I highly recommend the excellent book “Where You Go is Not Who You’ll Be,” by NY Times columnist Frank Bruni. Don’t have time to read the whole book? Here’s an article:

I am doubtful my son will get into Cal Poly SLO, but if he does, we will be absolutely thrilled. If not, at this point he still has two great schools to choose from: San Jose State and UC Riverside, both of which are reputed to have excellent engineering programs. We’re still awaiting other schools, including Cal Poly Pomona and the UCs, but if nothing comes through, we still have some good options.

Reach for the stars, but learn to love your safeties and alternates!
Flaminhaute, I’ve been really impressed with you, and wish you the best! Mills College is an awesome school. I don’t know where you are, but have you also checked out Embry-Riddle? There are campuses in Florida and Arizona, and I believe they do rolling applications.

@eyemgh The link to the Bruni article is fantastic. The excerpt of the moving letter from the parents to their child brought me to tears.

@CopperlineX2, glad you enjoyed. When our son was getting ready to launch, this is the one that floored me. I have a framed copy in my office.

@eyemgh Absolute GOLD! Affirms decision to push kiddo beyond his comfort zone to live on campus for at least a year. We pushed him to get his driver license & his 1st job. He wasn’t happy about it at the time, but saw gains in confidence after each success. These next years are about so much more than just what they’ll learn in class.

Wow! This should be a mandatory read for all parents first and foremost. Thanks for sharing this.

I am in tears @eyemgh. Parents have SUCH a tough job. Thanks for posting.

Hi eyemgh, I’m the original poster of that! My son did not get into Cal Poly SLO that year, nor any UC besides Riverside. He did, however, get off the waiting list at Colorado School of Mines, where he is a sophomore now in mechanical engineering and is thrilled with the whole school! It turned out to be the perfect place for him. We’re now going through the application waiting process with son #2. I have no doubt that wherever he goes, he will love it and flourish! Good luck to all, congrats, and a big pat on the back to all the parents too!