<p>Oh so many complaints of "we're being peaceful - why is the police being brutal to me" everywhere. I was shocked that some people were accusing UCPD of being trigger happy even when the student who was shot refused to put down the gun while pointing it at the UCPD.</p>
<p>I've met many students over the past week or so, ever since the occupy movement started on campus, and they all claim while they support the cause, they are not part of it.
UCPD tried to remove non-students from sproul plaza at certain times, and late at night
some students, refuse to show their ID to prove they're students, refuse to give their name so that police can check that they are students/have valid reason to be on campus, refuse to clear out of the area, etc. </p>
<p>Really ? </p>
<p>To all the potential applicants - no you don't have a reason to fear about coming to campus. UCPD doesn't do anything to you unless you provoke them, although some of these people claim otherwise. If you are just minding your own business, or just are pure spectators for some of those protests, UCPD doesn't care about you. People that claim that they are simply watching, but UCPD brutally attacked them, are only telling the story from their POV, with details severely cut out.</p>
<p>Say, what if the gunman had been let loose on Haas because UCPD didn't intercept ?
You would've been blaming UCPD for not doing their job. I feel like there are so many people on campus that complain just to complain. Maybe that's the only way you can get attention and feel like you actually have a life. Just know that it makes the rest of the sane population of the campus absolutely annoyed with your ranting, childlike behaviors.</p>
<p>Why does it bother you? Just let them do what they want as long as they’re not harming you or anyone else. The majority of the complaints are about getting jabbed in the ribs anyways, not about the gunman being shot.</p>
<p>Apparently, all these news and complaints of UCPD is scaring away the potential students, as if Telegraph doesn’t do that already. I don’t want the institution that I graduate from to decline in quality just because some of these ‘peaceful protestors’ or ‘bystanders’ can’t stop complaining about anything and everything</p>
<p>OP: I agree wholly with you…</p>
<p>I feel like people are gonna villify the police no matter what…liberals are gonna claim the PD shot too soon when with the gunman in the room but im sure if it were them in the room with the gunman they would scream “shoot the guy” to the PD…</p>
<p>i also just watched the UC Davis pepperspray video…apparently they were forming a circle around the police and were warned that if they didnt allow the police to pass they would be forced to use harmful measures. </p>
<p>this stuff is getting way out of hand.</p>
<p>and why should a fire deter applicants? I live in the building right next to Raleighs and yes, the whole building is incinerated, but what does have to do with Berkeley specifically? Fires can happen anywhere, last i checked…</p>
<p>Be careful if you spectate, or are part of a peaceful protest. There are some people around whose primary purpose was to start fights with the police, usually by standing on the far side of a protest and throw stuff at the police over the peaceful protesters, hoping that the police would try to go through or around the peaceful protesters to chase them, and that the peaceful protesters would mistakenly think that the police were attacking them.</p>
<p>how was the fire started anyway? i read there was an explosion…but how did it start? was one student or tenant being an idiot and throwing his cigarettes everywhere or leaving the stove on, or something?</p>
<p>How is the fire now?
I just heard about it early this morning and wasn’t sure what’s going on down there right now. It’s not related to the Occupy stuff, is it? Maybe I’m just being paranoid that everything is related to it now, lol, after the gunman and everything.</p>
<p>But I do agree that although what happened at Haas is tragic, people shouldn’t blame UCPD. I mean, they were doing their job; what would <em>you</em> do if some guy (who was crazy enough to point a loaded gun at the UCPD) had a loaded gun in a room with 15+ Cal students? What else would he have done if the police hadn’t been there? Especially since the police were ready to expect anything and everything, with all the craziness that had been building up in Sproul for the past few days.</p>
<p>What a crazy semester… lol.</p>
<p>The concern here was with encampments, which actually do harm everyone on campus. They create significant safety and health concerns. This is why the police pushed the students back; to take down the encampments (which they had been told would not be allowed). If they were just protesting, I would not support what the police did. But they were not just protesting. They were trying to live on the steps of Sproul. That is a problem. That does hurt people. It is unsafe. It is unsanitary.</p>
<p>This is the difference between what happened here and what happened at UC Davis. The Davis police should face consequences, in my opinion. The Berkeley police were simply doing their jobs. And the worst that they did was give some students very minor bruises on their ribs. They were not injuring anybody or using excessive force. They were given a task: to take down the encampments, and they simply used the minimal amount of force necessary to complete that task. I support them.</p>
<p>Well, regarding the gunman, most of the people I have talked to feel bad for him, but agree that UCPD did the right thing in that situation. I’ve only come across one person who said what the police did was wrong - and he said they shouldn’t have shot him multiple times, but just enough to disable/disarm him (which I honestly think is what they intended to do anyway…but did they actually hit him multiple times?).</p>
<p>But I agree with you on the whole “but we did nothing” nonsense. You obviously did SOMETHING, now man up to it instead of being babies. Could the police have handled it differently? Perhaps, but that was to be expected. I mean, what else could they have done? </p>
<p>@lemoncat They put the fire out sometime before noon, but idk what happened after.</p>
<p>Actually, one kid got a broken rib.</p>
<p>UCPD had to do what they were supposed to do when the gunman refused to put down the gun. I just don’t like the fact that the state spends hundreds of millions of dollars to keep the police force on campus. The state should replace UCPD with some outsourcing security firm or at least cut pay and benefits instead of jacking up tuition. These not-so-smart people make more money than professors. And that’s ridiculous.</p>
<p>^wait, are you serious? how much do professors here make?</p>
<p>^ or rather, how much does the police make? :O</p>
<p>what I don’t understand is the Davis incident. If I remember correctly, the students were blocking an entrance (sitting on a path)? What a bunch of *****<strong><em>…I hate it when students block the Sather Gate entrance. Either last year or two years ago, some guy grabbed my arm and got in my face about going to class. (Wouldn’t let go of my shirt. I’m serious. Ended up body checking him and telling him to back the *</em></strong> off)</p>
<p>And Wacker: I doubt those are minor bruises the way that one popo was jabbing the small girl.</p>
<p>nice batman, telling it like it is.</p>
<p>idk, the students were warned to ■■■■. what do they think sitting in a path annoying people is going to do? i’m all for protests, whatever, but when they annoy other students who are trying to get to class and broaden their horizons, it irks me. yeah, sure, the ucdavis police officer should NOT have pepper sprayed them. people were hospitalized, and one guy was coughing up blood.</p>
<p>but honestly, what do they think is going to happen? sometimes, i feel these guys do it on purpose so they can get on the news and get attention.</p>
<p>Ding Ding Ding!
<p>OP, it’s not legally required to show your ID to a police officer simply because they ask you to.</p>
<p>"how much does the police make? "</p>
<p>As of October 2010 the “basic” salary range for Police Officer is $71,376 - $86,280 per year.
Plus stipends for POST certificates and specialty assignments per these rates: POST certificates ($225/month for intermediate or $325/month for advanced) and specialty assignments ($175/month).
The department also provides an annual $1,000 uniform allowance after a full year of employment.
After ten years of service, police officers are eligible for a 4% longevity pay benefit.
Previously sworn officers may be assigned a step within the salary range based on prior experience.
With overtime payments average officer can earn more than $100000 per year.
With benefits/stipends/OTP the university spends probably about $150000 per officer.</p>
<p>…why the hell does tedford make that much. all he does is yell out plays, and he isn’t very good at it, considering we keep losing…</p>
<p>some of my professors make 20k…they got shafted, ***. and they are awesome professors…that isn’t fair…</p>