<p>how many B's did you have on your transcript?</p>
<p>Im thinking of applying ED to Cornell; I have 5 B's and 1 C (Freshman yr, I got a B and a C because I moved interstate during the middle of the yr; counselor is explaining this.) Should I apply ED if every other part of my app is solid?</p>
<p>If your rank is good, or your grades have improved, then you should be in good shape. Only apply ED if you are 100% sure of Cornell, but yeah, it obviously is easier to get in. I got 100% A's, but then again my school has 0% repuation with adcoms, so keep that in mind too.</p>
<p>I didn't have any B's, but my grades were probably the best part of my application. You shouldn't worry too much, I know people who have gotten in with plenty of B's. Showing an upward trend in grades will increase your chances of getting in. I think you should probably include a brief explanation for the poor grades freshman year, apply ED and write killer essays. Poor grades freshman year aren't going to totally ruin your chances, but you're going to have to make up for them with the other parts of your application.</p>
<p>normal public school (by normal I mean non-magnet) with probably 10% underachieving minority population...30% of senior class (not just graduates, entire senior class) going ivy league.</p>
<p>209 by the "AP ranking" of USNWR, proving the BSness of their HS rankings.</p>
<p>30% is a lot compared to my .00000000001% (i.e me) in years and years. I assume most are P-ton though. (I've seen the individual list before) A lot of Rutgers, too.</p>
<p>yeah hella to rutgers and princeton, but we had usually several at every ivy, and 1 at 1 or 2 of them. and thats not counting other top 20 schools, or small LACs, etc. it's kind of disturbing.</p>
<p>my school's class of 2005(412 students) : 130+ UVA, 25 Duke, 14 Princeton, 10ish MIT, 10 Cornell, etc etc.. very disturbing... especially the UVA numbers</p>
<p>Thanks for the responses. Can you just evaluate my chances then?</p>
<p>ACT: 24 then 33
SAT II: Math 2c-800
Chem-650( am retaking in october and shooting for an 800)
GPA( this is the killer)- 91.5 uw, 93.5 w ( I took the hardest courseload at my school in 11th grade. In 10th I took 3 honors and 2 reg. In 9th grade, I took all regular and 1 accelerated regular math class because I had moved out of state that yr and my school would not allow me to be in honors because of this. Counselor will be explaining this.)
AP- US History-4
E.Cs- lab courses at the Cold Spring Harbor Institute.
Job at a physicians clinic
Doing research paper over the summer dealing with insulin pump therapy
Football- j.v. 2yrs
Track- 3yrs
Cross Country- Varsity 2 yrs
Key Club- Treasurer, and executive board member( was supposed to become president, but supervisor decided not to, or else I wouldve easily been selected)
Homecoming Committee- Board Member( im heavily involved with the club)
FHA- member for 3 yrs
Hospital Volunteering- 400 hours working in the echocardiography department.
Senior Year Courseload-
AP English
AP French
AP Physics B
AP Government/Economics
AP Calc AB
Research Class</p>
<p>you have a fair chance. good courseload, 3.7-3.8 GPA; pretty high ACT; great SATIIs if you get that 800 on the retake. Strong athletic presence in the ECs and hella volunteering.</p>
<p>You sound like a pretty good applicant. Apply ED if you want cornell because you have a good enough chance to make it worth while. ED helps only if you have a significant chance of getting in, and you meet that qualification.</p>
<p>I had a 3.34 UW with a hard course load. But senior year first quarter I essensially close to eliminated my social life (and i'm a VERY social guy) to focus on school and got almost perfect grades in my classes which were almost all AP. That might help to show you got serious, especially if you can get a rec from a teacher you have senior year and another year before--that way the teacher can say you're a whole different animal senior year and are much more focused dedicated hard working and mature.</p>
<p>ive contacted admissions regarding my grades 9th grade. Do you think contacting admissions officers helps in garnering admission, especialy at places like cornell?</p>
<p>However, chances are good that I will have this experience at Cornell.</p>
<p>But I'm here to say that it doesn't really matter. . ..like in my case, I didn't go to a very competitive high school. I go to a small public high school, where they haven't sent anyone to an ivy league school in the last 5 years. </p>
<p>Colleges take the difficulty of your school into consideration.</p>
<p>btw, I take my education seriously, but I am by no means the type of person who would break down if I received anything less than an A-. . .</p>
<p>Well, I'm out to the movies. . . . .hopefully "Stealth" is ok, I have no idea of even the basic plot line, but should be fun anyway.</p>
<p>No cornell does not count weigghted gpa. you get your "weighting" when they evaluate your courseload.</p>
<p>Calling admissions won't help you for *****. How would calling an admissions office make you a better student, more intelligent, or more passionate about some interest of yours. The only thing on the level of contacting admissions that helps in admissions is visiting campus, which could make the difference between acceptance and waitlist. (it should not change anything else. like acceptance vs rejection or accepted ED vs deffered.</p>
<p>PS: stealth looked really bad, go see wedding crashers</p>