To anyone who got the ALEKS email while waitlisted/enrolled in Weinberger's 6A

<p>would you mind sharing the course code you received? (: (the course code is what you need to enter when you try to sign up for ALEKS)</p>

<p>I was waitlisted in Johnson's when I got the email, and using the course code I got lists me with "Instructor: Johnson." I'm not sure how important that detail is, but better safe than sorry I guess? (since this is the first year ALEKS has been used) I emailed Professor Weinberger a couple days ago, but I haven't received a reply yet. </p>

<p>thanks for any help!</p>

<p>This was the code that I got: QAVF6-HDG34</p>

<p>I think the code is the same for all students, and that Dr. Johnson is listed as the instructor because she is the person responsible for this.</p>

<p>^:O you weren’t waitlisted/enrolled in Johnson?</p>

<p>ohh that makes sense, since looking at the email she sent it to all the sections of chem 6a. thanks!</p>

<p>Nope, I was waitlisted in Weinberger from the very beginning.</p>

<p>okay, thanks for your help! (:</p>

<p>I just got this in my acs mail and from what I’m reading it will account to 5% of our overall grade?</p>

<p>Any of you guys doing it? (I plan to)</p>


<p>I’ve been working on it for the past day and it’s not too bad. The multiplying polynomials bit gave me a couple of tantrums though. XD</p>

<p>I don’t plan on doing it… $25 for up to 5% doesn’t seem like a good deal to me.</p>

<p>Just started it and its easy as pie… breezing through it all… and another bonus is it does help refresh my chem knowledge! w00t!</p>

<p>I gave in and am doing it right now because the email says if I don’t do it, the maximum grade I can get in the class is a 95%, which is a bit too risky for me. :(</p>