So I just took the SAT today and I do not feel good about how I did. Even though I studied a lot for this test, I feel like I screwed up especially with the reading and math sections and I was really disappointed with myself. I thought that I had potential to do well but something is telling me that I did horrible. Also, this is my third time taking the sats so if I don’t do well on this test I will be really disappointed. Therefore, I have been considering canceling my scores and take the June SAT to more adequately prepare for that test. However, if I cancel my score, will colleges be able to see that I took the test and canceled my score or will they not know?
Any response would be appreciated. Hope that everyone who took the SATs today did well!
The only colleges that will be able to see your score is ones that request all scores be reported. So if you aren’t appylying to a school that requires all scores to be reported than you are fine. Cancel the score reports and if you do better than you expected you can always pay to send them.

I’m sorry you feel disappointed. Try not to get down on yourself about it. You are so much more than a test score! (This is adopted from a weight-conscious friend of mine, who has a note on her bathroom scale that reads, “You are much more than a number on a scale!” )
Considering that this is your third time taking it, I would say cancel your scores if you think you REALLY did badly (see, I even capitalized really so that you consider it 50+ times before doing it). And by badly I mean worse than your previous scores or little to no improvement (for example, a 50 point increase in a 4 month period). It is not advised, but if you have a legitimate reason for not doing well (you felt sick on the test, something happened and distracted you, you weren’t feeling emotionally good that day, etc), cancel your scores, and later tell colleges that reason why. I don’t know if the colleges will buy what you say, but there is a chance. If you think you did decently (like, it’s just the pressure or something else), after thinking through it carefully, just maintain your scores.
I agree with the previous posters. In addition, it is important that you know the SAT has absolutely no correlation with your intelligence and self worth. Please don’t be disappointed with yourself! This is not an easy test to take! The fact that you completed it three times only speaks to your perseverance in attaining better scores. The SAT only tests how well you can understand that crazy test and figure out the answer that it wants you to. If you are not applying to a school that requests all tests be sent in, then you should wait for the score, so you can know where you are, and where you need to improve. You can request a score report to be sent that will tell you which sections you missed questions in, and your studying can then be focused on those areas, so you can improve for the next test. If the SAT just isn’t working for you, you can always try the ACT instead. I personally found the ACT easier, and it differs from student to student. Best of luck to you!