<p>Hello :3 I'm trying to create a list of colleges to apply to in the fall, and I've been having some trouble finding schools that might accept me :/ Let me introduce myself.</p>
<li>I'm an Asian female (Filipino + Japanese) from Hawaii with a 3.48 GPA, 1880 SAT (superscored- 560 math, 650 cr, 670 writing), and a 27 ACT. </li>
<li>I attend a rigorous private school known to be the best in the state. By the end of high school, I'll have 4 APs (Psychology (5), Biology (4), Environmental, and Gov/Politics) and 2 Honors (both English) under my transcript. </li>
<li>I don't have any ECs worth mentioning, but I have worked in retail for over two years if that helps my resume? </li>
<li>I've won an English recognition award, but that's about it. I know that my teacher recs will be solid though, and hopefully my personal essay as well.</li>
<p>I'm looking to study Psychology, Criminology, Forensics, and/or Law. I am extremely self-motivated, but I know that I'm stupid. I'd like to attend college on the West Coast (preferably Washington or Oregon), but anywhere works. Money isn't too much of an issue, but I don't want my parents to pay insane amounts to send me to college.</p>
<p>My current list is this:
University of Hawaii (Safety)
Western Washington U (Match)
Seattle U (Match)
U Washington (Slight reach?)
U Portland (Slight reach?)</p>
<p>...I may be totally wrong about whether schools are a match or whatever, though.</p>
<p>Anyway, can you guys please help me out so I can create a list of colleges that I might be interested in? Thank you so much :3</p>
<p>Check out some LACs like Lewis and Clark and Occidental if you can. Liberal Arts Colleges (LACs) are a very strong choice if you plan on attending graduate school (in general). If you don’t want the smaller environment, though, they may not be for you!</p>
<p>I think with your GPA UW is more of a reach. Maybe look at Reed College or USF too!</p>
<p>@ECAdmStudent- I definitely don’t mind smaller colleges; thanks for the suggestions! Occidental seems somewhat hard to get into (at least, compared to my other schools) with a 41% acceptance rate. Seems like a good school, though. Maybe it’ll be one of my reach colleges!
As for Lewis and Clark…a lot of kids in my school matriculate there, but I’m concerned about the drug culture there. Though I do understand that all colleges have their fare share of alcohol and drug use, there have been a few alumni from my school who transferred out because of the excessive drug use (mainly pot, but still). Is Lewis and Clark really a “drug” school or were these alumni overly sensitive to the minority of students there? </p>
<p>@SeattleLove13- Reed College is definitely more a reach though, right? According to Naviance, the average gpa is a 3.9…holy crap LOL. Portland seems like a really great area for college, though…(I’m a city person), so is there anyway to potentially have a decent shot at getting in? I don’t even think my SAT is close to their “low” range.
Ahh, if only USF gave aid- I’m not sure if 60k is doable for four years :/</p>
<p>Another question - it seems like you want to stay in the Pacific West - is this the case, or would you be willing to consider colleges further inland?</p>
<p>Also, I have heard the same thing about L&C regarding drug use, but I don’t know any hard facts.</p>
<p>Since you’re a city person, I think you should definitely put Occidental on your list. It’s located in LA, so you’ll have access to everything LA has to offer! Also maybe check out the Claremont Colleges? Claremont is a really nice suburb and just a short Metro ride from LA. Pitzer College has an SAT optional policy if you have a 3.5 GPA or higher or if you are in the top 10% of your class.</p>
<p>Another to check out: University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, about 30 minutes south of Seattle.</p>
<p>Sorry for 2 posts. Another suggestion to check out is Willamette in Salem, Oregon.</p>
<p>@Amandurrs- Occidental is sounding better and better! I have looked into the Claremont Colleges, but frankly, I don’t think I can get in
I mean, with a 25% acceptance rate, even for Pitzer (isn’t that the easiest Claremont college to get into…?), things don’t look too good
Thanks though, I’m definitely feeling Occidental.</p>
<p>@GoDores- Puget Sound has a foreign language requirement sjdfhdsjkfsd so bad at foreign language but that’s also been a huge option, too. What are they known for, though? No worries on the double post, btw :3 Willamette is quite dreary from what I heard from a friend who visited there :<</p>
<p>@ECAdmstudent- I do like the idea of the pacific northwest, but I’m willing to go further inland. Also, the east coast works with me (Especially Boston and New York!)</p>