To entering/underclassmen engineers worried about physics

<p>I was speaking to a professor of mine a couple days ago and he relayed some information about the engineering physics programs here at UT. As some of you may know, the Board is taking actions to improve four year graduation rates and this mission has been imposed upon the deans who have in turn imposed it upon the professors. </p>

<p>So how do you boost graduation rates instantly? Pass more students, of course! I was told that the engineering physics program has already begun implementing a plan to make courses "less calculational" (politically correct for "easier").</p>

<p>My first impression was that the professors were stooping down to under-performing students in a short-sighted effort to boost numbers (see: No Child Left Behind). However, my professor clarified that the students have only gotten smarter over the years, and that it was in fact the classes that had slowly drifted into the realm of tedium. </p>

<p>So to those of you who (rightfully) feared UT Physics, this is good news! That's one less landmine for you to dodge. Congrats</p>

<p>Never liked physics anyway! c:Thanks for the info~</p>

<p>They’ve made it easier…its still so hard</p>

<p>I feared that class 32 years ago!!! My HS (one of the best in Texas) hadn’t implemented AP physics yet, though, so I came in at a disadvantage. Things were different then!</p>

<p>Thanks for that info Frever, we’ll factor that in as my S still works on his UT/TAMU decision.</p>