To minor, or not to minor...

Hey guys,

I’m a new transfer beginning this Summer at UCLA. Here’s my dilemma. I’m going to be moving through my time at UCLA faster than some because I’m taking on a fuller load. I will be done by the end of Fall 2016 (6 quarters). I can do this and still fit in a minor, but after looking over all the minors I got to thinking, do I really need one? I’m doing all this for law school, so a minor is irrelevant.

I chose Philosophy as a minor only because I could take the logic courses, which will help me when I take the LSAT test for law school. But then I noticed I could take the logic courses without taking all the other philosophy courses for the minor.

So this leaves me to wonder, why not take the logic courses and fill the remaining 20 something units outside of my major with fun classes I’m just interested in from various subjects?

Would that be ok? Have others done this? Is not having a minor frowned upon?


From what I’ve heard, graduate schools and professional schools don’t care about minors, double majors, etc. Other than grades and scores, they really care most about what you do outside of school. So who else would you be worried about frowning on you for not having a minor? I have to ask, are you sure you want to try to finish early? I’m guessing by your username that taking a lot of classes is something you’re fine with, but it will make it a lot harder to get good grades; I can almost say with certainty that they will be lower than they would be if you gave yourself extra time.

For the most part, minors are pretty irrelevant on paper. Nobody cares. Especially if you plan on going to law school it just doesn’t matter. if there’s a specific subject that you really want to delve into, been earning a minor in that would be good because it’s what you enjoy. But doing it just for the sake of doing it, in my opinion is a waste of effort.

You will find many students who have majors with two minors or a double major and a minor-it can sometimes make you feel like you need to do more. From my extra classes I just took classes that seemed interesting to me, or truthfully classes that just fit better into my schedule.

The load is not a problem. I also know for a fact law schools couldn’t care less about a minor, so I’m all good on those fronts. I guess I was just surprised to realize I don’t need a minor at all. I think I just figured having a minor was obligatory and everyone did it. Now I’m thinking, why not take a bunch of classes I’ll enjoy from various subjects instead?

Just wondering if there’s any drawbacks I may not be considering.

Here’s something to consider, if I don’t minor and choose classes from various subjects, do they all have to be UD, or can some of them be LD? The reason I ask is, many of those classes have pre-reqs in UD.

Candles, we posted at the same time, so that last post was not in response to your post. Thanks, your post makes me feel much better. Not sure why I thought it so important to minor. I’m going to just take classes I’ll enjoy then and see what happens. :slight_smile: