I’ll answer. Have 2 sons. One is a HS sophomore that wants to attend UT-Austin. My hope was a lower cost UC for both but my older son was accepted at Stanford so that went out the window. We pay because I think he will get connections there that will last long after graduation and he loves it of course.
- What is/was your income? Around 150K/year
- What geographic location do you live in? Southern Cali. LA suburb. Not cheap.
- What is your retirement funding situation? 401K less than yours. will have to work past retirement. Bummer but that's life.
- Were there any special circumstances that allowed you to decide to go full-pay at $50K+/year? (you are expecting a large inheritance down the line, a rich uncle partly funded, etc) No. Just felt like this is an opportunity that you can't pass up.
- Any specific regrets/advice?
Regrets? I wished that we could have saved more for college. Very impressed that others on this post sent their
kids to college on savings. At the end of the day most parents want their kids to be in a better place than ourselves I think each individual kid is different. I could not picture my younger son at Stanford. Would not work. But if they love the school I think some sacrifices are worth it to help them go.
@woods1234 best of luck whatever you choose.