To Pre-Med or not to Pre-Med

<p>Ok, this is really aggravating. I cannot decide if I should or should not pursue the pre-med track.</p>

<p>I feel like pre-med is a calling and people would know immediately if they do or do not want to pursue the field of medicine.</p>

<p>I, myself, use to know that medicine is what I wanted, but now I am half/half between my decision. I don't know what I want to do in the field of medicine, and I have this weird gut wrenching feeling that if I do not take the pre-res for pre-med, I am going to regret it later on in the future. </p>

<p>I volunteered at a hospital for well over a year already and it hasn't changed my views on if I would like to or would not want to pursue a field in medicine.</p>

<p>I signed up for Gen Chem, but from all the bad things I heard from it, it makes me feel uneasy. And, I'm afraid if I do decide to not want to, it could be a big hit on my GPA later on.</p>

<p>So, I need help if I should just go with it or not.</p>