To rush or not to rush?

<p>I recently found out that BlinnTeam students are allowed to participate in rush this year. I was incredibly excited as being in a sorority is something I have wanted to do for as long as I can remember. However, I know rush can be extremely competitive, and I am really concerned that I won't be given a bid because I am a BlinnTeam student. Also, I currently attend a really small private school, and I heard from someone that there is little hope for private school girls when going through rush. So, I'm beginning to wonder if it is worth it to put myself through recruitment if I am only going to be upset in the end. I'm also considering just waiting until my sophomore year to go through rush. Does anyone have any advice? </p>

<p>Yes,allowing the BlinnTeam students to join sorority recruitment is new. I’m not sure how this will go over, it is very unusual on a national level to not have full time student status and be able to join. I would NOT say there is ‘little hope’ for private school girls going through recruitment - that isn’t true. There are some sororities who primarily choose girls they already know ( from their home connections), of course there are exceptions but there are also several others that don’t put the emphasis on former connections. I’d suggest you at least sign up and see how it goes, you’ll get the opportunity to see all 12 houses for yourself and draw your own conclusions. No one is sure how the addition of BlinnTeam students will(or will not) affect recruitment. Regarding getting a bid - provided you accept the maximum amount of invites you get each round, the current policy is you will get a bid offered to you.Good luck!</p>