Tomorrow is the day...

<p>I will tell my friend, and crush for 6 months, that I like her, even though I know she doesn't feel the same way. It's the only way I can move on I guess, and hopefully, she won't take it too awkwardly, and will still see me as a friend because I truly admire her.</p>

<p>I think it's better to just let it out then keep it in forever. At least you will have the satisfying feeling of knowing that you did it, rather than forever thinking 'what if', as in 'what if I had only told her?' :)</p>

<p>Good luck! (Not that you need it ;))</p>

<p>ahh good luck! let us know how it goes</p>

<p>Be a "G", and wear "P-I-M-P" clothes.</p>

<p>Go for'll feel better eventually, no matter what happens. =)</p>

<p>HAHAHA.... I didn't feel better... but atleast I can sleep now.</p>

<p>You admire her? You MUST be a girl.</p>

<p>"his" sn sounds kinda girlie. we need to give some respect to the lesbian population.</p>



<p>A little digging can go a long never know, the "cherry" part could come from owning/living close to a cherry farm...</p>

<p>you guys are funny. i told a guy once that i loved him, but i don't think i meant it. i think it slipped out of my tongue because of the romantic scenery we were in, but by no means do i blurt that out to every person i come in contact with under a tree. i felt very close to him for reasons that only my subconscience knows. </p>

<p>i know i always post about my same-sex encounters, but i promise that my stumbling upon threads of this nature is coincidental. the title of this thread (which isn't really suggestive of the subject) just happened to catch my attention, that's all.</p>

<p>Good luck!
I was in the same situation not long ago, and like you I knew the person in question didn't feel the same way about me as I did about him, but I had to tell him anyway, for my own sanity. At first it made things awkward, but eventually it helped me get over him and we're still friends, so it all worked out in the end. I hope everything goes well for you and this girl!</p>

<p>I dont even bother if I know the person has no interest in me. Especially if I value some sort of friendship.</p>

<p>when you said "tomorrow is the day" i thought you meant for the sats lol</p>

<p>yeah I thought you were talking about the SATs too. I think I have a severe obsession problem of 'collegeophobia." lol</p>

<p>I also have the same problem... I'm a guy in civil air patrol and have the biggest most horrible crush on my flight sergeant, also a guy. I want to tell him really bad but I don't know, should I? I don't think he'll hurt me or anything lol.</p>

<p>Hmm......civil air patrol. Sounds awful military-ish to me. I wouldn't say anything...could cause trouble. Too bad our society hasn't done away with this ludicrous taboo over same-sex relationships....but c'est la vie. </p>

<p>Keep quiet Adan.</p>

<p>Well CAP doesn't have any rules against gays and DADT doesn't apply. So I think I'd be safe.</p>

<p>they let gay people into the military?</p>

<p>can you tell whether he's gay or not?</p>

<p>No they do not biomaster, CAP is not military it's a civilian organization that does work to back up the USAF (that's what the adult members do anyway). The cadet members (under 18) are basically like um... Boy Scouts of the skies, we fly and stuff and do boy scout stuff. </p>

<p>And well, uh... I don't think he is. He could be, I haven't heard him talk about his personal life much or about a girlfriend or anything so maybe it's cause he doesn't have a girlfriend and he's so hot why wouldn't he have a girlfriend? Hm... </p>

<p>But his dad is the Squadron commander, and that complicates things even more.</p>