Tony's transportation

<p>I tried calling Tony’s (On Time Transportation) to book a ride for DS Friday afternoon. Got a generic Verizon recording that caller is unavailable, but no option to leave message. I sent a text to the number, and also sent an email. This was almost 4 hours ago, haven’t heard back. Maybe it’s the hurried New Yorker in me, but is this normal for Tony? I really want to know DS has a ride to the airport Friday. How long before I should call someone else?</p>

<p>I contacted Tony via email this morning confirming my Friday morning pickup. It took a couple of hours to get a response. If I were a betting person (and I am!!) I would bet he is on the road and cannot respond. Hopefully you will hear from him shortly.</p>

<p>It sometimes takes Tony a couple hours to respond as he often works odd hours driving customers and is also taking some college classes.</p>

<p>At least he isn’t reading texts while he drives!!!</p>

<p>It’s all set.</p>

<p>Is Tony’s Transportation is good option for rides to the Bham airport? We want to start building a list of go-to contacts for this type of thing since son will be a freshman at UA in the fall.</p>

<p>Tony provided excellent service for my son’s visit to UA. It was not just a ride from the airport - Tony talked about the school, town, and helped my son understand a bit about student life.</p>

<p>Tony’s Transportation is a great option. Tony is a great person to talk to and is very professional. From what he’s told me, he has a very loyal customer base and relies primarily on word-of-mouth advertising.</p>

<p>Can someone PM me his contact info.</p>