<p>Wow I wish I had not just decided to apply to UT this last week. Well, my application is finished (as of this morning) on applytexas, and I am wondering if this is too late before the honors app will be ready for me?</p>
<p>I'm in the top 5% of my class; SAT scores 800 Math, 750 Crit, 790 Writing; National Merit Semifinalist; bunch of other awards and leadership ECs (NHS president, Science Bowl and Olympiad team captain, etc). So I think that I could have gotten some merit-based aid from the engineering honors program, and I really hope that this is not too late (even though the honors application is apparently not available at this time...)</p>
<p>Any advice???</p>
<p>Very frantically,
<p>Honors application may or may not show up on time. My Dās showed up about 22 hours after her application was submitted but that was over a month ago when the system was not backlogged. To up your odds of finishing it before the deadline, look on the engineering website and see what they specifically require for their honors supplement and start working on it now.</p>
<p>Luckily for you, they extended honors deadline to Sunday.
[Honors</a> | Freshmen | Be a Longhorn](<a href=āhttp://bealonghorn.utexas.edu/freshmen/honors/]Honorsā>http://bealonghorn.utexas.edu/freshmen/honors/)</p>
<p>Thank goodness, application just went through. Double thank goodness for the longer deadline. I need to go lie down.</p>