<p>Will it be harder to get in if a lot of people apply in the same school? Already around 10 people got in ED.</p>
<p>I don't think that how many people applied from your school will matter. It is just on how good the quality of the candidates are, the individual applicant. I've had 5 people admitted ED from my school. But other than that there is only 1 other person, other than me,from my school applying to UVa. That's impressive that 10 people got in from your school.</p>
<p>if you go to a big school, or a very good school, then large numbers of ppl to UVa can be expected</p>
<p>Well a ton do come from Fairfax...maybe it wasn't ten, more like 7. I only know one person who got into Echols. It just seems like everybody is applying and we're all well qualified.</p>
<p>If they already accepted THAT many ED, they clearly don't have issues accepting people from your school. They wouldn't have taken 10 ED if they wanted to limit the number of people they took from your school. Obviously they are expecting people to apply RD from your school. If they wanted to discourage mass RD applications they would have been brutal in the ED round which they clearly weren't.</p>
<p>I think we had about 10-15 ED, then another 15-20 RD from a FCPS school.</p>
<p>yeah i don't think it should matter much... uva takes a ton of kids from my school. granted, i live really close to uva, but still.... keep in mind that it's a public school so it has to take the majority from virginia. if you're all well qualified i'm sure uva will let you in.</p>
<p>Generally probably about the same amount applied as last year and generally roughly the same amount should be accepted. Obviously it will fluctuate a little - for example, last year's class at my school was significantly larger. Not an incredible difference, but enough that I would predict although ~25 got in last year, this year it could be more like 20. That would be basically in line with the numbers from the smaller class the year before last. </p>
<p>If you don't know offhand what the numbers were from last year, and you want to know, your career center should maintain a list with the basics for the kids who applied (no names) and their decision. In FC this is probably just weighted GPA - and I believe I heard that from people who have looked - because SATs don't go on the transcripts. But it'll show the applied/accepted/rejected.</p>
<p>I was really nervous about this same issue...I live in Loudoun County, and about seven or eight of my classmates got in early already. I was just nervous as to whether they take a quota from a certain school, but I guess by the sounds of it they don't. Hopefully you're all right!</p>
<p>There are no quotas for schools, towns, or counties.</p>
<p>The only rule we have is that 2/3 of the students must have Virginia residency.</p>
<p>yea there are a lot of people that applied from my school. I'm really anxious to see what happens</p>