<p>I have taken the ACT 3 times so far, kind of. I received a 30 the first two times and a 32 the third, which I was extremely pleased with. Unfortunately, the 3rd time was for the PSAE (Illinois State Testing), which my top choice college will not take. I really don't want all my effort to go to waste and am considering taking it again in September, in time for the Early Decision deadline. Would this be frowned upon by top colleges (my 1st choice is Emory). Thank You</p>
<p>three questions:</p>
<p>1) does your state offer the ACT in September? Mine doesn't, and I'm not sure whether or not I can take the ACT a second time in October to have it apply to early decision</p>
<p>2) don't you get to choose your best ACT score to submit? I don't think they see how many times you take it, but I might be wrong</p>
<p>3) how strong is your transcript? A 30 ACT should be pretty solid for Emory if you have a strong GPA, EC's, etc.</p>
<p>1) I live in Illinois, so yes my state does have state testing</p>
<p>2) I suppose this is true, but all of my scores may be on my transcript (I think)</p>
<p>3) I have a 3.8UW/4.6W GPA, mediocre at best ECs(I've moved 3 times), good recs, good essays--->my numbers were definitely the strong part of my app</p>
<p>What the hell? Taking it again can't hurt. I say go for it (even though a 30 is probably a good enough score)</p>
<p>even if you take it 15 times, you only have to report one score, so it doesnt matter how many times you take it because the schools will never see ;)</p>
<p>beauty of the ACTs.</p>